Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Fife and Drum muster at Wayside Inn


  On Saturday 25 September Janine and I went to the annual Fife and Drum muster at the Wayside Inn at Sudbury Massachusetts.  This was the 50th anniversary muster and it was outstanding getting together again after missing last year due to covid.   The weather was great, there was cold draft beer available and plenty of great Fife and Drum groups.


The muster field opens about 10:00 am.  Once you arrive to watch fund a patch of ground to set up on for the day.  

  There are various vendors selling crafts and such.  One vender made toy soldiers out of clothes pins!  And he hand made A really neat castle also.  

 During the morning there are also some demonstrations like 18th century military drill and dancing. 

Middlesex Fife and Drum 

 At 12:00 A grand parade is held where all groups present march onto the field and pass in review.

The Ancient Mariners

Stowe Minute Men

The Old Guard (3rd US Infantry)

William Diamond Junior High School Fife and Drum Corps.

Grand Republic

For the remainder of the day each group gets to perform.  They set up in the center of the field and are in the spot light.  

After that is over a few individuals get together and jam together.  That is great fun.

A bunch of friends I have not seen in over twenty years!

Fritz meets up with his old friend

And a chance to see old friends again after a long time.  It was a wonderful time and wonderful day.  I am already looking forward to next year.


See you next year!

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Franco Prussian game


At club game night I played in a most excellent Franco Prussian war game.  Kevin put on a great game with his beautifully painted 25mm figures and terrain.  The French Corp was dug in by a cross road and had a naval detachment with a couple large guns to anchor their right flank.  The Prussian had to advance and capture the cross roads.  Rules used were "Noch Paris " and figures were 25mm.

The French dug in along the cross roads, taking advantage of every inch of cover.

The Prussian army had A tough nut to crack.  First, they massed their artillery on the left (5 batteries), in the center (3 batteries) and on the right (3 batteries).  These guns concentrated on the French guns in counter battery fire.  By the fourth game turn they had silenced all but two guns.

At thus point the Prussian started to advance.

Good cover did not protect the infantry from the massed batteries.  Slowly in the French center and left flank battalions were forced back.

After artillery forced the defenders to abandon this building the Prussian infantry moved into it.  There was little the French could do to retake it as each time a battalion moved up it was forced back by artillery fire.

One bright spot for the French was a massed charge by their cavalry!  they managed to hit A Prussian battalion before it could deploy, and forced the batteries on the Prussian left to retire.  But it was a fleeting moment and the decimated cavalry was soon fleeing the field.  Followed by this the  Prussian left flank moved his infantry forward into the open.  But before they reached the enemy they were cut down by rifle and artillery fire.

By the end of the game the Prussian left flank was recovering.  But in the center and French left the Prussian infantry was slowly pushing back the French and taking key positions.  

It was a very good game that certainly captured the feeling of the war.  The Prussian artillery was deadly and certainly the key to the battle.  It think,in future games it is perhaps not as numerous as in this one.  That said its a fascinating period and very colorful and I hope this is the first of many games.

Friday, October 1, 2021

Mr Ed's Big Book Give Away


  "If you don't go, you'll never forgive yourself " said Janine.  She ment if I did not go to "Ed's Big Book Give Away" Wednesday night  I would never forgive myself.  

  Ed, is Of course Ed from "Ed M's Wargames Meanderings Blog" and on Wednesday night at 6:30 pm he was having a once in a lifetime book give away.  He was clearing out his wargame room to make improvements and told us he was giving away a number of books.  Actually nine boxes of books.  And if you know anything about Ed its that his library is more then excellent.  What treasure would we find?  Be there at 6:30 and fund out.

  So I drove from my house the hour and a half up to the wilds of New Hampshire to arrive at his door step.  Ed's wife Amanda had made a big pot of chili and the small group of us (George, Byron, Ralph and myself) enjoyed a delightful meal before moving to the living room and pawing through the treasure chests of books like pirates looting a ship or Vikings sacking a town.

What did I come away with you ask!

Funcken Uniforms:

I have been trying g to get a copy of "The Lace Wars" for years and years.  Imagine my delight when the first thing I see is the hardback copy.  Oh joy of joy!  I can now die a happy man.  (but let's hope not yet of course!)

And to also get the Napoleonic set!  This was the best day ever!

Greece and Rome at War:

Another beautiful and informative book.

Osprey books: 

always useful and a easy read.

Napoleonic Wars:  

Chandler's "Napoleon's Marshalls" and also his "Campaigns of Napoleon";  Elting's "Swords around the Throne" and two outstanding battle studies on "Austerlitz" and "Eylau to Friedland.". The last two are beautiful coffee table style books with outstanding maps and uniform plates.

Military miniatures and Wargames: 

Outstanding books here.  Charles Grant Jr has wonderful books that both delight and inspire you.  " Wargames in Miniatures" was the first book I read about fighting battles with toy soldiers.  And the David Wilson book on the French army of the War if Austrian Succession is packed full of great stuff.

Books I always wanted to read but haven't:

Classics like Nolan's "The Iron Brigade" and "Zeppelins over London.". " The War birds " is an outstanding memoir from WW1.  And finally "Silent Night" about the Christmas truce.

An old sentimental favorite:

my parents got me this book when I was very young.  Not sure what ever happened to it.  Possibly read it till it fell apart.  So I grabbed this for the memories and because it was a fun read.

  Quite a haul of  books!  Now to fund A space for them all.

Thank you again Ed!  It was a very momentous night.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

War of Spanish Succession with Monday Morning Gamers part 2


  Sad to say my narrative of the game will be short.  Due to real life difficulties I could not attend the game.  Interviews for possible jobs and family issues had came up.  But some players sent Pictures and reports and I can tell the story if what transpired.

  On the Allied right flank the Austrians And friends continued the advance.  Their cavalry defeated the French horse and sent it off the field.  Although the "Wild Geese" put up a gallent fight they too were forced to retreat.  Eventually the flank cleared the Austrians pivoted to attack the village.

  On the Allied left flank he Dutch were less then successful.  The French drive them from the field and then they pivoted to take the Allied center in flank.

 And in the center the English and Hessians defeated the French infantry and cavalry outside the village.  But although they got a toe hold in the village they could not push the defenders out.  

  So, who won?  A tactical victory for the French. They held the village. But they could not reinforce it.  While they had defeated the Dutch they had little left to relieve the village.  On the other hand the Austrians were now feeding into the attack.  So, perhaps a strategic victory for the Allies?

  No matter it was a great game and all hoped we could continue to play with these rules again.  I think the War of Spanish Succession was a crowd pleaser and we will see it again.