Slowly putting together a game based on the Battle of White Plains, in particular the fighting around Chatterton Hill on 28 October 1776. Sadly there is a tremendous amount of misinformation about the battle and its been interesting researching and trying to figure out who was where and who was involved. I will be doing a future post on what I can put together about the battle based on primary (first person) accounts later.
First off here is the order of battle I put together based both on first person accounts and casualties returns per regiment. Part of the problem here is there were two British columns and two separate American delaying forces. One retired back to Chatterton hill while the second fell back to the main American line. Most wargames scenario books have a number of units that did not take part in the fighting on Chatterton hill. One unit never mentioned was the Independent Loyalists companies that became The New York Volunteers. Two companies were assigned to each column. They definitely suffered casualties so might gave been there at the battle. If I do add them they will be dressed in the loyalist uniform British were just sending; green coats with white facing's and round hats. I have most of the figures ready except for the Hessian Grenadier battalions. RSM Ltd miniatures have castings which are very decently priced.
Crown Forces:
Hessian Line Brigade: Colonel Rall
Rall Grenadier Regiment (Dk blue coat, red cuff no lapel)
Knyphausen Fusilier Regiment (Dk Blue coat, Black cuff, black lapel)
Lossburg Fusilier Regiment: (Dk Blue coat Orange cuff, Orange lapel)
Lieb Musketeer Regiment (Dk Blue coat, Yellow cuffs Yellow lapels)
2nd British Brigade: General Leslie
5th Regiment of Foot (Gosling Green facings)
28th Regiment of Foot (Yellow facings)
35th Regiment of Foot. (Orange Facings)
49th Regiment of Foot (Green Facings)
Hessian Grenadier Brigade: Colonel von Donop
Grenadier Battalion von Linsing
H-C Lieb (Dk Blue coat, Yellow cuffs Yellow lapels)
H-C Mirbach M. (Dk Blue coat, Red cuff, Red lapel)
H-H 2nd Lieb Gren Rgt (Dk Blue coat, Red cuff, Red lapel)
H-H 3rd Lieb Gren Rgt (Dk Blue coat, Red cuff, Red lapel)
Grenadier Battalion von Block
H-C Wutgenau M. (Dk Blue coat, Red cuff no lapel)
H-C Prinz Karl M. (Dk Blue coat, Red cuff, Red cuff)
H-C Trumbach M. (Dk Blue coat, White cuff, White lapel)
H-C Donop M. (Dk Blue coat, Straw cuff, Straw lapel)
Grenadier Battalion von Minnigerode
H-C Erb Prinz F (Dk Blue coat Rose cuffs, Rose lapel)
H-C Ditfurth F. (Dk Blue coat, Yellow cuff, Yellow lapel)
H-C Knyphausen F. (Dk Blue coat, Black cuff, Black lapel)
H-C Losberg F. (Dk Blue coat Orange cuff, Orange lapel)
American Forces:
Here are the American forces who fought on the hill. I have used faculty returns as well as first person accounts to determine who I think were there.
Ordered to fortify Chatterton hill Washington sent Brook's and Graham's Massachsetts Militia regiments out. Using fences and stone walls they created a good position for themselves. Colonel Haslet was then sent out with his Delaware regiment and two guns from Hamilton's New York Artillery company to support them.
Earlier Washington had sent a number of regiments out to harass the two advancing British coloumns. From Colonel Douglas's brigade the 1st and 2nd Connecticut State regiments harassed the left column under General von Heister. He detached Colonel Rall with his regiment, the Knyphausen and Lieb regiments to push them back.
Finally Washington sent Brigadier McDougall's brigade to support the hill. The Brigade was made up of the Smallwood's Maryland regiment, 19th Continental, 1st and 3rd New York regiments.
Haslet's Brigade:
Delaware Regiment
Mosley's Massachusetts Militia
Brook's Massachusetts Militia
New York Artillery
Spencer's Brigade:
1st Connecticut State Regt.
5th Connecticut State Regt.
McDougall's Brigade:
Maryland Regiment
19th Continental Regt.
1st New York Regt.
3rd New York Regt.
Finaly; if anyone out there has done convention type games in the past and have advice please feel free to pass this on to me.