Monday, July 20, 2020

62nd Regiment of Foot 1777

  Next regiment in my Saratoga project will be the 62nd Regiment of Foot.  This regiment played a prominent part in the fighting around Freeman's Farm on the 19th September battle.  Holding an angle within the British defensive position the regiment was decimated in the afternoon fighting.

The regiment is dressed in the campaign modified uniform of cut down coat and hat.  It is a very smart uniform and immediately identified the wearing as a member of this I'll fated expedition.  Unlike so very much in The Rev War uniform this campaign dress is visually documented in a series of watercolors done during the tine.  More information on these can be found on this blog at this link,

If interested in this campaign and this regiment I would highly recommend visiting the site of the recreated 62nd Regiment here,

 The figures are from the wonderful Fife and Drum miniatures and the regimental colors are from GMB.  Both outstanding.

Friday, July 17, 2020

Volunteers of Ireland 1781 (2nd American Regiment)

The regiment was raised in Philadelphia Pennsylvania during the British occupation in 1777 by Francis Rawdon-Hastings.  He had been given permission to form a British Provincial regiment from Irishmen, serving in the American Thirteen Colonies. It was felt that many of these men would desert to the Crown of such a regiment was raised.  Known as the Volunteers of Ireland the regiment was placed on the American establishment as the 2nd American Regiment (Volunteers of Ireland) on 2 May 1779.

  The Volunteers served at the siege of  Charleston in 1780, and the Battle of Camden 1780.  Sergeant Thomas Hudson of the Volunteers  received a decoration for heroism at Camden. The regiment fought at the Battle of Hobkirk's Hill in April 1781, as well as the relief of the Loyalist fort at the Siege of Ninety-Six in May 1781.

  They remained in South Carolina until the British surrender at Yorktown in October 1781. The regiment was removed from South Carolina and taken by ship to New York. The Volunteers were put on the British establishment as the 105th Regiment of Foot on 25 December 1782.

The soldiers of the Volunteers of Ireland were mustered out in New York City, and thereafter taken by ship to Nova Scotia.

There is little documentation on the uniform of the Volunteers.  It is known they wore caps.  The coat is based on a portrait of Lord Rawdon done after the war.  green collars and cuffs and Brandenburg lace.  A most unusual uniform to say The least!

The figures used are by The Perry brothers and the flags from GMB.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

New York Volunteers 1781 (3rd American Regiment)

  One of the very first loyalist fighting regiments they had a long and stories history.  Organized as two independent companies under Captains  Grant and Campbell in late 1775, they fought at the Battle of Long Island although "dressed in rags."  They later took part in the fighting around White Plains New York.  Sent south with Colonel Archibald Campbell in 1779 they fought in Georgia and South Carolina.  After their defense of Rocky Mount their commander Colonel Turnball suggested they were given a standard. In addition a company from the regiment under Captain Coffin was equipped as cavalry and served as dragoons at Hobkirk's Hill and Eutaw Springs battles.  (I am sure you will see these fine fellows on my table too  soon)

   In 1779 they were taken on the American Establishment as the 3rd American Regiment.  This meant they received there yearly clothing and equipment like British regular regiments and from the same sources.  In addition the officers would be able to go half pay at the end of the war.

My uniform is based on returns in 1782 which suggest they wore red coats faced blue. Prior to that it is very unclear and contradictory.  Officers appear to have had silver lace .  For figures I have used Old Glory second edition American Continentals line infantry in round hats.  This is because loyalist uniforms usually did not have regimental lace.  The round hats were very common and would be most useful in protecting the men from the hot sun down south.  I added a set of regimental colors.  These were based on those issued to the Queen's  Rangers.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

20th Regiment of Foot 1777

  Fife and Drum miniatures has branched out and added the Saratoga campaign to their figure line.  They have British line infantry in the campaign modified uniform.  They have also added Mohawk Indians and soon will release Morgan's Rufkemen.  This is outstanding as I have long been fascinated by the campaign and have wanted to field a British Army  for the campaign.

My first regiment is the British 20th Regiment of Foot.  They were sent to the relief of Quebec in 1776 and later took part in the 1777 campaign.  They played a prominent role in the fighting in the 19 September at Freedman's Farm.

  The figures are dressed in the campaign modified uniform for the northern theater.  Regimental coats were cut down to light infantry style.  Cocked hats were cut down to light infantry style caps with horse hair crests.  Each regiment had the crest dyed a different color and the 20th appears to have dyed theirs black or very dark grey.  The Regimental colors are from GMB.

  These are great figures and a great start to yet another period within a period.  More to follow!

Thursday, July 9, 2020

New Artillery bases.

   I just completed my project of rebasing my American Rev War Artillery.  Rather then the usual rectangular bases I have put these on round bases.  I got the suggestion on the Fife and Drum miniatures forum from another member.  I really liked the look and mounted my War of 1812 artillery that way.   So continuing I have me done the bases for my Rev War Artillery.