Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Cold Wars 2019

Oh joy! Oh rapture!   Yes folks, it is that time of the year again. The annual trip to Cold Wars.  This is the third of the trioka of the Historical Miniatures Gaming society's conventions.  Because it is held in the off season it usually has a slightly lower attendance then the other two events.  This translates into a calmer and more relaxed atmosphere which I like. It also does not interfere with family vacations. It is a time to indulge myself and enjoy all that is wonderful about this great hobby.  Fun, games, shopping, socializing and learning.  Each year myself and my friend George take time off to drive down for the long weekend. We have been doing this for I cannot remember when.  This year we are leaving early (Thursday) to get there and get settled. There are a number of interesting games listed and talks I am looking forward to attending.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Georgia Brigade 1776-1779: part 1

Another outstanding article from the pages of Gorget and Sash.  This time on the Georgia Continental line regiments.  This article appeared in Volume 2 issue 3.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Storming of the Spring Hill Redoubt 1779: Part 2

  Here is the second part of the article with order of battle and uniform details.  Jim Purkey at Five and Drum miniatures has just mentioned he may be doing 1779 French for this campaign.  If so that would be a push to get me to paint yet another group of miniatures for my collection!