A slight pause in the action as both sides rallied troops and moved to shore up their position. Major Carden established a line guarding the two remaining camps. General Sumter rallied his militia and brought them forward. He also sent his militia horse, Indians and rifles through the woods starting to flank the enemies line.
Reinforcements arrive! Up the road from Rocky Mount march the New York Volunteers and a troop of the British Legion Dragoons. Can the momentum of the battle be turning?
But at the opposite end of the field a detachment of Maryland Continental line and a cannon also arrive!
General Sumter orders his militia battalions forward. Already his light troops are sniping at the flanks of the loyalist line.
Davie' rifles score some hits on the BLI and then his militia horse charge out of the woods and slam into the infantry. In the melee the infantry break and are chased back. Colonel Bryan is killed trying to rally the infantry.
With both flanks threatened Carden orders the Legion dragons to clear the woods to his right while the NYV swing to their left to confront the militia horse.
The dragons push back the rifles and continuing the charge also rout the Indians.
A well trained volley from the NYV sends what is left of the militia horse running.
The Royal Artillery finds the range and hits the advancing SC militia battalion. They failed morale and retreat back.
But the Continental line and artillery are now in the fight. Sumter feels one final push could bring victory.
The SC militia horse charge the Legion dragons; but are thrown back. The legion counter charges but they are then thrown back!
The NC militia battalion moves into the 3rd camp. But this time the sight of loot is too much and they fall to pillaging the camp. The unit is out of the game.
The continental artillery fires at the RNCR who also take fire from the rifles to the flank. Its too much and they fail morale and rout back taking the BLI with them!
The PoWAR stand their ground, after taking hits from the SC militia opposed them. Its too much for the militia who now retire. Sumter decided now it's time to retire his forces to fight another day. Both sides having taken heavy casualties take stock of the situation.
At this point, its been ten turns and the game is called. Points wise the Patriots won by a single point. I think that was pretty accurate. While the loyalist still held the field they were pretty mauled and had had three if the camps over run. The surprise attack that took out the loyalist militia at the start and the wide dispersed camps did not help them. Historically it was close to the actual battle.
To me its been an excellent game and a fun scenario. Its definitely one to try again. And it was fun to fight with a numerous militia army.