March is turning into a very productive month. My bathroom project in the basement is moving ahead great guns. Shower and most water pipes installed and now time to put up dry wall. But that is not why you visit here! I am working on new regiments and have started using new paints.
Again, after my great painting splurge of 2017 I find my self with lots of dryed out empty paint tins. While I use craft paints for terrain, I needed to buy a great number of new paints for my present projects. I had tried the Reaper brand of paints at the Cold Wars Hobby University and liked them. Bottled similar to Vallejo paints they appeared to have a better quality to them. They also dry flat. On the Fife and Drum miniatures forums William19 dang their praises and have given me a lot of advice on why he uses them. I sent off for a bunch of colors I could use. Reaper included a very nice box to store them in. Good service here people. I will be a repeats customer. So for this year at least I am a Reaper painting fool.
What is on my painting table? I am working on two small regiments of mounted militia for the Rev War. These are brand new castings from Fife and Drum miniatures. As with all their figures these are great. A wide variety of poses, and clothing and equipment. In other words they look like militia!
I have also primed and started Maxwell's Grenadier battalion. These were the Grenadier companies from the six British Minden regiments. Again, Fife and Drum and Minden miniatures are all sculpted by the same individual. These will fit in nicely with my mid eighteenth century armies. While most of the figures are simple to paint, the grenadiers caps are extremely detailed and will take a lot of hard work. But they will be a thing of beauty to behold when done.
Oh, and the count down to leaving for Cold Wars in March 15!
Good man. Keep at it. Blessings to your brushes as the Padre says!