Friday, September 24, 2021

War of Spanish Succession with Monday Morning Gamers


  Something different for me, a War of Spanish Succession game.  Peter brought over his figures and set up the game ahead of time.  It was in 25mm and rules used were Blenheim 2004.  The scenario was a meeting engagement with both sides trying to capture the town or reduce the other side to a breaking point.   There were six player (three per side) and each commanded two infantry brigades, and artillery piece and two or three cavalry regiments.  The French had a unified command and could freely reinforce each other.  The Allies were anything but.  You could not reinforce another command or talk to your co- commanders after the game started and your game plan shredded to.  Basically it really hurt not having Marlborough in charge.

My command was in the Allied center and had A British brigade of infantry, a artillery piece and a Brigade of Hessian type infantry (who I referred to as sub contractors).  I also had two cavalry regiments.  I was to go forward and try and drive the French from the village while my Allies to either flank drove off their opponents.

On both of our flanks massive cavalry battles ensued.  On the right flank the Austrians cavalry defeated the French and drive them off.  The Austrian infantry then marched forward to engage the French.

But on the left flank the French handily drove off the Dutch cavalry.  While the infantry of both sides moved against against each other the French cavalry started to swing wide to take that flank.

In the center my artillery destroyed the French gun.  The French cavalry moved forward towards my infantry which then mowed them down with musket fire.

My infantry moved around the village and engaged the French infantry.  I thought I would drive off the infantry and isolate the troops in the town.

At thus point, after five hours we called a halt to the game and will continue next week.  Stay tuned!


  1. Lovely looking game with beautiful figures and terrain Mark. Are you able to leave the game in situ for a week till you return for part two?

    1. Yes! John has a garage where we play. At least until winter snow he can leave the table set up for our games. We are very lucky.

  2. Are these Ian Croxall’s rules from his Enfilade game so many years ago?

    1. I believe they are. Here was s a link for Donald w loading the complete rules.

  3. Nice to see WSS out on the table! Coalitions are always a pain...but make for some interesting situations!

  4. That is a lovely looking game and period to play Mark and I look forward to the next instalment:)

  5. A lovely looking game Mark…
    I like the idea of introducing communication problems between the allies… I once did a game where any communication had to be done with written notes… which I of course altered and edited to reflect things being lost in translation.

    I look forward to seeing how the battle ends.

    All the best. Aly

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you! Appreciate the compliment very much.

  7. Now that's a real teaser! Great looking game; WSS is yet another very tempting period to game... Look forward to the conclusion.



    1. I am tempted also. Luckily Peter and Bruce have more then enough figures for us all. But I look forward to playing more games in this beautiful time period.
