Sunday, August 18, 2024

Basic Flag Information from the American Rev War

  I got a couple emails concerning flags used during the American Revolution.  These centered on American Continental Regimental colors.  In addition I got a few questions about Germanic colors.  

 Here are some recommendations for books and especially articles.  There is not much out there but here are a number of sources I gave found especially useful.  In a follow up I will post a few good images of flags you can copy and print later.

To start I would read my post on the Gostelowe flags which gives us the basics of the American Continental line.


 Richardson,  Edward W.   Standards and Colors of the American Revolution 

Best single book out there.  Price can be pricey if you can find a copy.  remember inter library loan us your friend and can often find  you a copy to borrow.


Gerhardi Davis    Regimental colors in the War of the Revolution

The first book published in the subject and still very useful. The book is a alike online on the internet!


Here are a number of articles I found very useful.  Most are from the Company of Military Historians.  Others are privately published.  If you want drop me a email and I will send a copy to you.  This is one of the best parts of our hobby in sharing information.

Donald Host, Liberty or Death on military colors

Donald Host, Regimental Colors Of the Continental Army

Military Collector and Historian

Steven Hill, Hessian Flags of the American Revolution 1775-1783

Zlatich, Marko. " Regimental Standards of William Heath's Brigade of Continental Foot, 1776"

Military Collector and Historian, 33 (Winter 1981), pp. 174-175.