Friday, December 27, 2024

Radio Controlled Titanic


  So Janine did get me a radio controlled ship for Christmas.  I was very surprised when I open the package and it was a radio controlled version of the RMS Titanic.  A little over three feet long, it lights up and is a pretty cool model.  

  Interestingly in talking with other radio controlled people they all tell me it's pretty slow.  I guess that is compared to speed boats.  To me it goes along at a very pleasant pace.  It does needs a very wide turning radius so looking for lots of room.  Reading reviews from Amazon I made sure the batteries were fully charged before testing.  When sailing it gets a lot of attention and comments.  Most people want to know where the RC iceberg is! I tell them its in my drink.

  Back hone I have been doing a series if history talks at local museums and senior centers.  One of my most successful and requested talk is Massachusetts connections to the Titanic about individuals from Massachusetts who sailed on her.  I already have three scheduled talks for it next year.  So Janine thought it would be a good connection for me and my new interest.


  1. Most stately and historic: who needs fast?

  2. That is a very cool model Mark and an extremely nice Christmas gift from your wife. I have to admit, my first thought involved the iceberg, too!

    1. A most excellent gift! But I will keep the ice away from the ship and I my glass.

  3. I never realised how much I need a R/C boat until now! Very restful to watch and operate sitting beside the local pond!

  4. That's a pretty cool present and a decent sized one too:)!

    1. There was a bigger one she was looking at (five feet long!) But it is out of stock so she went for this one.

  5. Lovely model...I love the idea of a R/C iceberg....
