Monday, January 9, 2017

Glengarry Light Infantry

   The Glengarry Light Infantry was a light unit raised in the Glengarry area of Canada.  Recruits were mainly Scottish emigrants who came from Novia Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward island.  Originally a Fencible Regiment it was granted regular status.  They served throughout the war and distinguished themselves in numerous actions.

  The uniform resembled that of the more famous 95th Rifle regiment.  Dark green coats and trousers, faced black with black equipment.   Officers wore sashes highland style over the shoulder rather then around the waist.  Instead of the baker rifle the men were armed with the standard British smoothbore musket.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Old school terrain Hills

  I have always liked these old school style hills.  They remind me of the maps on the old Avalon Hill games. To me they are wicked pissa (as we used to say in my mis spent youth).   They are not what is standard on most game tables.  But then I have never been part of the in crowd.  

 If any of the readers of this blog have made these or know gamers who have made these please contact me.  I would love to know how you made them, or suggestions on how to make them.  Did you use blue board?  Or MDF (which I know nothing about).  I am interested in making these would appreciate any suggestions or how to.

Thank you!

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Battle of Princeton

Battle of Princeton January 3, 1777

Love this portrait of Washington representing his twin victories of Trenton and Princeton.  Leaning on the captured cannon, captured colors at his feet.  A Marvelous smile on his face.  Yes, I saved the revolution, and proved my critics wrong.

Eye witness panting of the Battle.  Great details for uniforms, colors.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year 2017

The Light Division will a game!

  Following on the heels of my last post of 2016, here is the first post of 2017.

As is the custom it's time for resolutions and plans.  What to do and how to do it.
Need to get these fine fellow on the table

First complete my projects. Always a good intention but so seldom carried through. But I will make a try.
The beatings will continue until your projects are done, comrades.

War of 1812:
Complete British forces.  Already a good start and enough figures on hand for some games.  Bases and flags are on order.  Last minute just got to have (cavalry and rockets) I can pick up at Cold Wars in March.
Time for Cousin Johnathan to meet Thomas Lobster.

Rev War
Need flags for my loyalists.  A few additional cavalry and some militia would be nice.

Need to get them onto the table top!
That young man, Nolan, I don't like him....

This is my big push for the year.  After years of trial and error I found I am looking for a old school minimalist terrain.  But with static grass ground cloths.

  Need to make hills to go with it, the old steeped type hills. But not painted but covered in static grass.   I have Plenty of fences, fields and woods.  But they are more game friendly rather then diorama. An example would be woods which are outlined and trees placed in them which can be moved about to make room for figures moving.  Clear, simple and game friendly.  I like my roads fromBattlefield Terrain Concepts.  But looking for good rivers.  These are big on my shopping list.  Not pleased with what I have so looking for suggestions.

So there you have it.  Better table tops and terrain.  Paint a bit but more playing games.

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Last day (evening really) of the old year.

    Today is my first day off in three weeks.  Flight loads have been 99%, which means each of our flights are sold out.  That is great for our airline (Jetblue) and potentially great for my profit sharing check!  Which comes out mid March just in time for Cold Wars.  But it is heavy work loads and little time off for our little station in Worcester.  As a surprise to me I was given a award by Jetblue for outstanding customer service yesterday. This is a really big deal, as it means I have had a number of customers who wrote to the company about me in a positive way.   So I end the year work wise on a very happy note.

  Today has been a quiet day, spent relaxing, walking our Yorkie Fritz and of course painting figures!

Since Thanksgiving, I have painted and based a bunch of figures.
The British 1st Regiment of Foot
8th Regiment of Foot,
100th Regiment of Foot

 Militia battalion
 24 Indians
and six gunners.
In all 126 figures.  I still have to static grass some of the bases.  And I am still awaiting regimental colors which are on order.  On the painting table is the half finished Glengarry Light Infantry and then I start the the wonderfully named Volunteer Battalion of Incorporated Militia of Upper Canada.  Once done I will finally be able to have a game.

 Lastly, I would like to thank each of you who have visited my blog.  It has been great fun to share my hobby with you.  And I greatly enjoy reading your comments.  I wish all of you a very happy New Year!