Tuesday, May 9, 2017

The Cowpens - Guilford Courthouse Campaign refought .

 In volume one issue one of The Courier Steve Haller wrote an article about wargaming campaigns without maps.  in this article he refought the Cowpens -Guildford Courthouse campaign using this method.  Always a big fan of his writing in the Courier, I recently revisited his article with a mind to use his suggested campaign.

   In his introduction Haller wrote, "War gamers who enjoy the variety that acampaign offers for the use of their collections are often discouraged by the time and clutter involved when maps are used.  An alternative method might employ the use of an scenario based on a historical campaign (complete with OB's, etc) which allows elements of choice and chance to determine the nature of each battle of the campaign.  Each battle is assigned a number of points that are awarded based on the results of the Battle (e.g. comparison of casualty ratios). "   To me this has always been a fascinating idea which I wanted to try out.  Taking Steve Haller's article and work I have slightly modified it by changing some of the options for battles and created my own order of battles based on historical returns.  But the spirit of the campaign remained what Steve wrote way back in the early 1980's.  Here is my outline and rules for the Cowpens -Guilford Courthouse Campaign.  The campaign order of battle including militia desertion (i.e. going home) and reinforcements will be in the next post as part 2.

Campaign Guide Lines:
1.  Rules used are Loose Files and American Scramble.
2. Figure scale is 10:1
3. Terrain to be based on historical battles in the area.
4. After each battle 25% of casualties will be returned to each unit.  One month after that battle all American units (including loyalists) receive an additional 25% returned.  Two months after battle British and Hessian units receive back 25% casualties.  Units that drop to under 20% of their original strength after a battle are eliminated.
5. Staff Officers return after battle if roll a 4-6 on a D6.
6.  Players should be familiar with the historical campaign.

1. January 1781
General Morgan invades South Carolina with his Light Troops.  He can successfully link up with Pickens' South Carolina brigade by rolling 1-4 on a D6;  Sumter's brigade will join on a roll of 1-3.

Morgan now has three options:

1.  Fight Cowpens as the historical battle with historical order of battle.
2.  Attack Camden.  The garrison under Rawden will march out to fight him at the Hobkirk Hill area.  After that battle Tarleton will try to intercept Morgan by rolling a 1-3 for an encounter battle.
3. Attack the Fort Ninety-Six garrison. A defense will be set up by Cruger based on a Steve Haller scenario.   The garrison can be reinforced by Tarleton by rolling 1-4 on a turn determined by a die roll.

2. February 1781
Cornwallis'  and Tarleton chase Greene's and Morgan's forces through North Carolina.  The following battles are possible and determined by a die roll:
1. Cowen's Ford will be defended by Davidson's militia brigade as the historical battle by rolling 1-4.  Greene can detach elements of the Continental Light Division to assist on a turn determined by a die roll.
2.  A meeting engagement on random terrain involving all units if a 5-6 is rolled.

March 1781
Greene's reinforced army turns to fight Cornwallis army.
1. Guilford Courthouse as the historical battle by rolling 1-4.
2. Greene attacks Cornwallis army at Guilford Courthouse by rolling 5-6.

Victory is determined by casualties and condition of army at end of campaign.  Forces available for certain battles or each month will be posted in addition order of battles.

I am presently finishing the last couple of regiments for this campaign.  Once done I will be reporting the progress of how this turns out. I am looking to set this up for June 2017.  

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Henry Clifford's Crimean Watercolors

   Watercolor from Henry Clifford VC  of the British army of the March towards the Alma, 1854. Love the two soldiers talking in lower right corner and especially the soldier resting!

 Rifle Brigade skirmishing

A Rifleman close up and supply donkey

The Guards fighting at The battle of the Alma.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Niagara 1814 Campaign

  My Niagara 1814 project is finally nearing completion.  I have long wanted to do this, but have ways had a reason to put it off.  I started a couple times, once in 15mm  but again it never amounted to much so isold the figures off.  It was the Knuckleduster miniatures line of figures for 1812 which finally got me going.  An almost complete line with a great variety of figures and competitive priced.  I started in March 2016 after Cold Wars and a little over a year later I am playing games with the collection.  Is it completely?  No collection is and there are some holes and additional regiments I want to add.  But for now I am very happy with it.


 Left Division, U.S. Army:
Major General Jacob Brown: Commander

1st Brigade : Brigadier General Winfield Scott
9th Infantry  (Major Leavenworth) (24)
11th Infantry (Major McNeil)  (24)
22nd Infantry  (Colonel Brady)  (24)
25th Infantry (Major Jessup)  (24)

2nd Brigade : Brigadier General Eleazer W. Ripley
1st Infantry  (Lt. Col. Nicholas)  (24)
21st Infantry ( Lt. Col. Miller)  (24)
23rd Infantry (Major McFarlane)  (24)

3rd Brigade : Brigadier General Peter B. Porter
5th Pennsylvania (Militia) Regt (Colonel Fenton)  (24)
New York Volunteers. (24)
1st Rifle Regiment. (24)

Artillery : Capt. Nathan Towson, U.S. Artillery Corps
Foot Artillery (Towson)
Foot Artillery (Richie)
Foot Artillery (Biddle) :

Cavalry : Capt. Samuel D. Harris
U.S. Light Dragons (6)


 British Right Division 1814
Lieutenant General Gordon Drummond, commanding

1st Brigade: (Colonel Scott)
8th (King’s) Regiment
100th Regiment
 Royal Artillery

2nd "Light" Brigade (Lieutenant Colonel Pearson)
Glengarry Light Infantry Regiment
Volunteer Battalion of Incorporated Militia
2nd Lincoln Militia
Niagara Light Dragons
Native Warriors
 Royal Artillery

3rd Brigade: (Lt. Col. Morrison)
1st (Royal Scots) Regiment
Royal Artillery

At present I have on the painting table the 5th York militia regiment, the 41st and 89th regiments, Royal Marine rocket battery and the 19th Light Dragoons. For the Americans I would like to add a couple more volunteer regiments, and another regular regiment.  For cavalry, although it is wrong I would love to paint up some of the Kentucky mounted Riflemen.  Perhaps in the future I will do the Battle of the Thames!   So more to do!

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Crimean War Armies 1854

   My oldest and most favorite of my armies would be the Crimean war collection.  At present it includes British, French and Russian.  Someday I plan on adding Turks.

Russian Army in Crimea:
Army Hqs (Prince A. S.Menshikov)

16th Division (Lt. Gen. Kvetinski)
1st brigade:
Vladimirski Regt. (4 bns)
Susdal'ski Regt. (4 bns)
2nd Brigade :
Uglitski Regt. (4 bns)
Kazanski Regt. (4 bns)
16th Artillery Brigade (2 light btry, 2 heavy btry)
Cavalry Brigade:
Kievski Hussar Regt.
Ingermanlandski Hussar Regt.
Uhlan regiment

400 Infantry figures
  39 Cavalry figures
  24 Gunners and 12 Cannon
     5 Brigade commanders

French Army in Crimean
1st Brigade (Espinasse) Reinforced
1st Zouaves (2 battalions)
7th Ligne. (2 battalions)
20th de Ligne (2 battalions)
1st Chasseurs d'Afrique

150 Infantry figures
  13 Cavalry figures
     6 Gunners and 3 Cannon


British Order of Battle 1854
Lord Raglan

1st Division (Duke of Cambridge)
1st Brigade (Bentinck)
Grenadier Guards
Coldstream Guards
Scots Fusilier Guards I
2nd Brigade (Sir Colin Campbell)
42nd Black Watch Highlanders
79th Cameron Highlanders
93rd Sutherland Highlanders
Royal Artillery (2 Batteries)

Light Division (Brown)
1st Brigade (Codrington)
7th Royal Fusiliers
23rd Royal Welsh Fusiliers
33rd Duke of Wellington
2nd Brigade (Butler)
19th Yorkshire Regt.
77th  Middlesex Regt.
88th Connaught Rangers
Royal Artillery (1 battery)

Cavalry Division (The Earl of Lucan)*
Light Brigade (the Earl of Cardigan)
Heavy Brigade (Scarlett)
Royal Horse Artillery (1 battery)
*because of their small numbers I field both cavalry brigades as a single regiment.

300 Infantry figures
   26 Cavalry
   18 Gunners and 9 Cannon

Monday, May 1, 2017

American Rev War Armies

 Returning from vacation I stole a couple hours to inventory my miniatures armies.  I do this periodically to remind myself of what I have, what I need and what I have to finnish up. It is also good in fighting the butterfly in me which wants to start projects I will never Finnish.  There is also a certain satisfaction in seeing what one has accomplished.  So my next couple posts will be order of battles for my collections.

  let's start with my American Rev War armies.  These included both painted and unpainted regiments. Unpainted are in italics, but all regiments must have castings bought to be included.  The army is based on Greene's Southern Army in 1781.  Each brigade is based on a historical brigade or command.  I have combined many militia units into a larger regiment since then they fight better on the table top. There are a unusually large number of unpainted regiments as I am setting up a campaign and have finally gotten myself to finnish up this project.

Major General Nathaniel Greene's  Southern Army 1781

Continental Light Brigade: (Col. John Edgar Howard)
Maryland-Delaware Light Battalion (30)
Trippletts''s Virginian militia Regiment (30)

Virginia Continental Brigade (Brigadier-General Isaac Huger)
1st Virginia Regiment (Lieutenant-Colonel John Green) (30)
2nd Virginia Regiment (Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel Hawes) (30)

Maryland Continental Brigade (Colonel Otho Williams).
1st Maryland Regiment (Colonel John Gunby) (30)
2nd Maryland Regiment (Lieutenant-Colonel Benjamin Ford) (30)

Washington's Dragoons (Col. W. Washington) (10)

Lee's Legion (brigade): (Col. Henry Lee)
Legion Dragoons (12)
Legion Infantry (12)

Singleton's Continental Artillery (2 guns and crew)

3rd South Carolina Brigade of Militia: (Colonel Andrew Pickens)
1st Spartan SC Militia Regt. (30)
2nd Spartan SC Militia Regt. (30)
McCall's State Dragoons (6)
Cunningham's Rifle Battalion (mounted) (12)

1st S.C. Brigade of Militia: (BG Thomas Sumter)
Left Wing/Sumter (mounted) 24)
Right Wing/Sumter (mounted) (24)
Hampton's South Carolina State Dragoons (6)
Campbell's Rifle Battalion (mounted) (12)

Salisbury District North Carolina Militia Brigade: (Brigadier General William Davidson)
Surrey County, North Carolina Militia Battalion (30)
Mecklenburg Militia Battalion (30)
 N.C. State Dragoons (6)
McDowell's North Carolina Riflemen (12) (mounted)


 My Crown forces contain not only British but Loyalist and Hessian as well.  Again they are based in historical brigades which served Cornwallis from Camden through Guilford Courthouse.

British Southern Army:  December 1780 to March 1781

Lieutenant General Lord Charles Cornwallis commanding

Webster’s Brigade: Colonel James Webster
7th Regiment of Foot (24)
23rd Regiment of Foot. (30)
33rd Regiment of Foot. (30)

 Brigade of Guards: General Charles O'Hara
Guards Light Infantry Company (12)
Guards Grenadier Company (12)
1st Guards Battalion (30)
2nd Guards Battalion (30)

Reserve Brigade: Major General Leslie
1st Bn/71st Highland Regiment (30)
2nd Bn/71st Highland Regiment (30)
von Bose Regiment (Trumbach)  (30)

British Light Infantry battalion (12)
 Jaeger company (9)
Royal Artillery ( 2 x 6-pdr & 3-per)

British Legion: Lt. Colonel Banastre Tarelton
British Legion Dragoons
1st Squadron/British Legion Dragoons: (8)
2nd Squadron/British Legion Dragoons: (8)
3rd Squadron/British Legion Dragoons: (8)
British Legion Infantry (24)
British Legion Artillery (3-pdr)
 17th Light Dragoon (6)

Camden Brigade:
 Lt. Colonel Lord Rawdon
Royal North Carolina Regiment (30)
Volunteers of Ireland Regiment (30)
New York Volunteers Regiment (24)
South Carolina Royalist (24)
Camden District Loyalist Militia (30)
Coffin's Dragoons (6)