Monday, July 10, 2017

Lee's Legion 1781

  The 2nd Partisan Corp or as it's better known as Lee's Legion was formed in April 1778 when it was detached from the 1st Continental Light Dragoons.  Through its commander, "Light Horse" Harry Lee and his memoir the Legion's service is one of the better known regiments during the American Revolution.  As to if it was an elite unit, that is up to the reader to decide. But what is not debatable is it could be, at times as ruthless as the British Legion with whom it fought. It was a very active part of Greene's army so I had to include it in my collection.

   Incidentally, Lee's  memoir was written partly to adress the controversy over Lee's action at Eutaw Springs.  His son, Robert E. Lee would continue the defense of his father in later editions of the book.

There are numerous interpretations of how the Legion looked.  This could be because the uniform was changed during the War and also supply problems.  In addition different infantry elements were assigned to the Legion during its history.  I have of course focused on it activities in 1781.

  I understand that suggesting Lee's Legion were not dressed in green might go against current excepted knowledge this is usually suggested that Lee ambushed Pyle's loyalists because they were dressed similar to Targets 's British Legion.  When I painted them up I used the painting of Lee himself in a tan/brown faced green coat. In addition I also used the following quote from private Shaw of the 33rd regiment of foot. He was captured just prior to guilford courthouse and wrote later:
"Scarcely had we gone half way up the lane, when seven of Lee's light horse made their appearance: my companion swore there was Tarleton's light horse coming, and, says he, ‘we shall be taken up on suspicion of plundering, and get 500 lashes a piece.' ‘No;' said I, upon observing their brown coats, and white cockades, ‘no, friend, you are deceived; these must be the rebels.' Having therefore discovered his mistake, he began to cry;--but for my part, I thought it very good fortune.—As they were advancing towards us, we concluded to go and meet them; which we accordingly did, and falling on our knees begged for quarter; which they granted ….

While the evidence, and most authorities agree on the inform of the Legion cavalry the Infantry are much more of an mystery.  I think the evidence suggests the Legion infantry had a different uniform from the mounted element. There was an issue of enough cloth to three officers to make coats of blue faced red and lined white (see p40 Katcher Uniforms of the Continental Army). This was by the clothier general of Maryland in 1782. Coincidentally it was at the same time the portrait of Harry Lee
painted by Charles Wilson Peale. There is also a portrait of an officer of the Legion Infantry,  Laurence Manning who was
shown in a blue coat faced red.

  So I feel confident the Infantry element of the legion in 1781 at least we're in standard blue faced red coats.  There is no evidence helmets were issued so I outfitted my infantry in standard infantry uniform.

  For my table top Legion I have once again used the most excellent figures from Fife and Drum miniatures.  While they do not make a figures for the Legion figures in their existing range work well.  The cavalry comes from the 16th light dragoons. Minor filing was all the work they needed.  For the Infantry I am using existing painted figures. Half of the Light battalion are used as Kirkwood's Delaware company, so the other half of the battalion are now the Infantry of the legion.  Thus I get double duty out of that group.  No flag for the unit.  Although some sources suggest one I am unsure of the documentation.  If better information comes available later to convince me I will add it then.  And now I look forward to Lee tangling with Tarleton in the battle of the legions on my table top!

Saturday, July 8, 2017

49th Regiment of Foot 1812

  At the time war broke out, the 49th Regiment of foot was one of the only regiments of regulars in Canada.  Having arrived in Canada in 1803 the regiment was stopped returning to Great Britian by the declaration of war.

  Divided up into smaller commands the 49th was stationed around the Niagara area.  The Grenadier and Light infantry companies were at Queenston Hieghts in October 1812 and played a prominent part in the battle.   The regiment's  commanding officer, Lietentant Colonel Isaac Brock (and commander of all British Forces in Canada) was killed at the head of the Grenadier and Light companies leading a charge against the Americans.

In November 11, 1813 at the Battle of Crysler's Farm the 49th and 89th regiments of foot fought and defeated a much larger American Army under General Boyd.  It was a text book example of better trained and disciplined troops against poor quality but more numerous troops.

  I have painted the regiment in its early war dress.  Officers are still wearing bicorns with white breeches and the men stove pipe shakos. I really like the NCO's, keeping men on their toes and dressing the line.  The gallant officer appears to be channeling General Brock inspiring his men.  It is a nice break from the usual and gives the unit a dashing appearance.

  Figures are from Knuckleduster miniatures.  They continue to provide great figures and great value.  The flags from Flags of War.  These are a great item also and I wish they got more press and were better known as they are wonderful.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Captain James McCall's mounted militia 1780

  Captain James McCall had been active an an officer in the South Carolina continental and militia forces.  From 1776 to the end of the war he held various command and was almost always in the field leading soldiers.  His service was typical of numerous militia leaders, with long years of service but little public credit.

   His most memorial achievement was leading two troops of mounted militia.  These were typical militia men who provided their own mounted and equipment.  At the Battle of the Cowpens in January 1781 his men served with Ltd. Col. William Washington and played a dramatic part in the victory against Tarleton.  He and his command continued to serve with the Continental cavalry of both Washington and Lee during the fighting in North Carolina.  They left Greene's army just before Guilford Courthouse and returned to South Carolina where they fought under Pickens and Sumter's command.

Miniatures are from the Perry Brothers American Revolution line.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

4th July

A friend sent me this in honour of independence day.
🍻  🍺  🍻

Monday, July 3, 2017

State line regiment 1781

  Enjoyed painting the old RSM miniatures for regiment von Bose.   So I  wanted to paint some more.  Here are the figures they sell which represent a generic Continental or British battalion.  I painted it up in Brown coats faced red. One of my favorite patterns if early war uniforms, and also represented some of the French bounty coats sent in 1778.   This regiment was to represent a state line regiment.  It can be fielded on the table top as a continental line battalion, or a militia type battalion. As such it will fit in with my southern American Army.  A most useful regiment!