Friday, January 17, 2020

Progress painting and new figures

  Although busy with regular life after vacation I have managed to work some Painting in.  The Light Infantry battalion is finished and needs to have its based painted and grass added.  The Grenadier battalion is coming along very nicely.  With snow in the forecast this weekend I should be able to finish it up.

  For Christmas time I got a number of miniatures.  These are American Rev War figures from Old Glory and Brigade games. About a brigade's worth ( Four battalions of thirty figures each) from both  companies.  The brigade figures are brand new from their kickstarter and the Old Glory are from their second edition.

  Old Glory figures are American continental line.  They come in bags of  38 figures with command figures (officers, standardbearers, drummers and NCO included).  Uniforms are the regulation coat or hunting shirt.  I have bags of the line in cocked hats, slouch hats and hunting shirts.  these should produce four slightly different regiments.  If you have a Old Glory Army card these figures are very affordable.

  Brigade Games has Continental line in uniform as well as militia in the bounty coats offered by the Massachusetts Provincial Congress in 1775.  When I was at Minute Man NHP I worked with Henry Cooke to have some of these coats made for the park.  They were a short working man's jacket with false cuffs and no lapels with regimental buttons.  A very comfortable and practical garment.  I had to get some of these!  They have a nice variety of mixed hats and equipment in each figure to give you regiments a slightly non regulation look. 

Thursday, January 9, 2020

What does a 32 pound naval cannonade do?

Gerry Altoff and his cannon crew at Perry's Victory.

  Back in 2002 and 2004 at the NPS black power school I worked with Gerry Altoff from Perry's Victory  National Memorial.  He both times trucked down to the school the park's 32 pound naval carronade.  This is a very big gun.  Gerry always mentioned that along with the Brig Niagara they had done a live firing exercise against a mock up of a section of a British ship.  It had been filmed to illustrate the terrible damage done during the naval battle on Lake Erie.  He also had outakes from a film someone did. I had lost touch with Gerry after our retirements from the service.

   Recently I found this video on YouTube from the Brig Niagara 's site.  Here is the day they did the live firing.  It s a fascinating watch. I wish I could figure out how to do screen captured so I could post some pictures from it.  Alas!  I am technology challenged so will just post this link.

 Gerry holds a deep responsibility for my War of 1812 War game armies.  During our down time while teaching the course we talked about the War of 1812.  Not being much of a salior,  I was more interested in the land armies.  But he did teach me a lot about the naval aspects.

   For those who are interested Gerry is the author of the following books:

A signal Victory:  The Lake Erie Campaign, 1812-1813.

Deep Water Sailors, Shallow Water Sailors.

Amongst My Best Men.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Year in review 2019 and goals for 2020

2019 in review:
 Hobby wise the past year was most interesting.  I certainly painted less then the year before.  My favorite new units we actually command stands from Fife and Drum.  George Washington and William Howe came out great and are some of my better painting efforts.

   I also tried out building the new MDF kits. These are great!  They have graced mountable in numerous battles and always draw positive attention.

 I put on a number of games this year and had great fun doing so.  These include one from each of my collections. American Rev War, War of 1812 and Crimean War.  I am happy with my output and surprised I did so many.

Cold Wars 2019

So, what are my plans for for 2020?  Here is my goals and plans.

I am looking to continue my roll of putting on more games this year.  For big games I would like to do a battle based on Lundy's Lane.  This will require some additional terrain items and how to fight in the dark.  also working on putting on Trenton and also Princeton for the Rev War.  Everyone at game night turn the club enjoyed my large Crimean war game so at least another one for another game night.  Is putting on a game a more too much to ask?

Diverge American Rev War I have a number of figures bought and ready turn the painting table.  These include another
British Grenadier battalion and British Light Infantry battalion to round out my Cornwallis field force.  For the Americans I will be adding  4  Continental line battalions in Massachusetts bounty coats and mixed civilian clothing.  These will be for one of the New England brigades in 1776.  Another brigade will have mixed hunting shirts and regular uniforms.  If course this means I will be adding another division commander and two brigade commanders. I also have a group of civilians from Perry  miniatures as well as their camp group and the group interrogating a  captured officer.  The last add to give some life to the table top.  In war of 1812 I need to add more Native warriors.

MDF Buildings:
I have enjoyed building these MDF kits.  They are fun to do and look very nice on the table top when done.  I have picked up a couple kits to build in 2020.   Captain William Smith House from "Things in the Basement" is first on my list.  I spent a lot of time there during my time at Minute Man NHP.  I hope he adds some addition structures from the park to his collection.  I also picked up the Tidewater home from "Charlie FoxTrot. ". This will work well in southern campaign battles from the Rev War.

I will be adding some additional trees in based to my set up.  And a larger hill for my  Lundy's Lane battle I want to put on later this year.  Mandy a small pond or lake just because!

I will be attending the Seven Years War convention in April.  I have my room reserved and flights listed. Looking forward to it.  In would also like to attend two local conventions, Havoc in Massachusetts and Huzzar in Maine.

  Well, those are my goals and plans.  Let's see how I do.  In addition I enjoyed sharing reasearch posts I have done.  I have been working on a number concerning the fighting in 19 April 1775.  In the month of April u.plan on sharing these as well as a photo of some of

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Hawaii: Kaua'i

Light house on north shore

Handlei beach at sunset.

This was the location they filmed the first season of the old TV series "Gilligan's Island.". Here was where the SS Minnow went aground.

Na Papi coast

Wailua falls

Just a quiet spot we found for a picnic.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy New Year 2020!

I hope all of you have a most Happy New Years.  My you all play more games and paint more figures then the past year.