Happy 4th of July. Enjoy the holiday. Have a great and safe day with friends and family. |
Completed a couple more of the wagons I got through Warfare Miniatures. Perfect for most periods I game so these will become super useful items on the table top.
Over the years I have painted two versions of the loyalist Regiment the Volunteers of Ireland. The uniform references were few and far between and I was just not sure about the brandenburg lace and helmet instead of cocked hat. But, I am coming around to the version accepted by most people today and done so very well by the Perry Brothers.
The portrait of Francis Lord Rawdon at the top of the page was posted by Chase on the Fife and Drum miniature forum. To me it has been a revelation.
The reference usually used to show the unusual uniform is this engraving of Lord Rawson with small figures in the background. I wondered how accurate this was when I first saw it in Phil Katcher's book on The American Provincial Corps 1775-1784 published back in the 1970's.
Recently I found refences to caps being issued in 1779 to the volunteers. Although there is no illustration or description of them we know at least the regiment had caps and not cocked hats. A latter return mentioned Brandenburg lace and collar and cuff in facing color (green).
So my first attempt at painting the regiment had them in round hats. I was happy at first. But had that nagging doubt.
And, I really liked the Perry Brothers miniatures version in the unusual uniform. So eventually I did them with those figures. The old regiment got promoted into the 63rd regiment so all was good.
But the portrait of Rawdon, wearing what the engraving illustration showed was a real revalation. Here he is wearing what must be the uniform of the regiment. Outstanding! Now I do not have to be concerned if my miniature regiment is correct. Yes, its sad that a grown man worries about such things.
What a great father's day gift! Alexandra and Nathaniel collaborated on getting this for me. Nathan it the print while Alex got the frame. Its a large farmed picture of H. G. Well playing his miniature wargame. The print has been reproduced many times and I am sure mist wargamers are familiar with it. I have just the place to hang it by my Wargames table to add inspiration and class to my games.