Sunday, September 4, 2022

The Valley of Death


  On the Fife & Drum miniature forum Chase suggested I try out this game from Warlords.  Its a scenario loosely based on the Charge of the Light Brigade during the Crimean War.  I guess its a starter pack that company sells.  You get a Russian battery, two Infantry regiments, some fortifications and the British Light Cavalry Brigade. Its a quick and fast game to be played using the Black Powder rules.  Game is to last six turns.

   I have addapted it to my set of rules for the period, "Charge of the Light Brigade." Because of the small size if the British cavalry units I field both the Heavy and Light cavalry as two units.  Batteries are three stands of a gun and two crew each.  Infantry are twenty four figures plus a Colonel each.   I will be setting up two Russian batteries with two supporting infantry battalion.  Although I put the fortification on the board I will not count it towards close combat.  The Russian has too much of an advantage as is!  I will leave them on the table to breakup a otherwise bland table.   To give the British some chance I will give them both the Heavy and Light cavalry brigades.   Table will be six feet by four feet.  There will be ridges/hills on both long sides which neither side can cross.  The Russians set up in one side and the British the other.  Now, off you go...

  The game starts with the British cavalry division advancing towards the Russians.( In the rules each unit gets a certain bunch of bonus command points. These can be used to do Extra things.  You can move twice, or fire twice.  But each activity costs a point and when they are gone they are gine.  Plus for each point you use the enemy gets to react.  Usually by firing back!  )

 The Cavalry are met with long range artillery fire.   But they shrug it off and continue.   The British continue  their advance and once again are hit by artillery fire.  This time light casualties. 

By the third turn the cavalry have reached the artillery line.  They play a command point and continue into close combat.  In the fight the cavalry over run the guns and continue the charge!

The Light Brigade turns the flank of the enemy infantry and rides them down.  The Russian government infantry retires to regroup.

The Heavy Brigade just plowed ahead.  Poor due rolling by the Russians cause no casualties and in the do we fighting the infantry are also beaten and retire!

At this point I am not sure I wish to continue the game.  The British cavalry have done incredibly well.  Poems will be written and their praises sung.  But the Russian infantry regrouped and are returning to the fight.  Time for the cavalry to turn about and return home I think!

A fast game and very entertaining.  Not much tactical thnking.  Perhaps perfect for the Crimean!  Played solo it was a great chance to get some figures out and play a quick game based on a historical incident that might not be a exciting club night type game for four or six players.

For those who are interested in the rules I used here are the rules and a explanation.

I think I hear the 93rd Highlanders asking to have a crack at the Russian cavalry.  Perhaps the next game?

Thursday, September 1, 2022

A visit to Old Sturbridge Village


  Over the weekend Janine and I went to Old Sturbridge Village. This is a recreated 19th Century New England village and living history museum.  Most buildings are restored and have been moved there.  Its a beautiful location and a pleasant day walking about the grounds which are very expensive.  There are certain days each month when you can bring your dog so Fritz, to his delight went along.

 The time period is about thirty years after the American Revolution or the 1830's.  Buildings range in age from late 18th century to mid 19th century.  As such they are a great chance to look at styles and colors for buildings in my table top games for American Rev War and War of 1812.

Very similar in construction to a British Rev War cartridge box



more knapsack

Although clothing and military equipment were changing there was a great exhibit in 1830 New England militia equipment.  This gives me suggestions for painting War of 1812 militia and volunteer figures.

It also gives you great ideas for terrain and landscape on your table top.

A great day was had by all!

Monday, August 22, 2022

Prince of Wales American Regiment gets a flag

  After initially posting this regiment I had not awarded them set of  colors.  My rational was loyalist regiments this early in the war probably did not have them.  Also, with such a hard luck history did they deserve them? Or would they just lose them in battle?  But I did post the question here and on the Fife and Drum forum should they get colors?  The answer overwhelmingly was yes they should.

  In their first action on the table top the regiment  broke the long time tradition of new regiments mucking it up and instead did very well.  They advanced, took casualties and passed morale checks.  Almost as if they were saying, "yes, we deserve colors!"

  But which colors to give them and what would they look like?  Dave from "Not By Appointment" website ( came to my rescue.  He designs flags for the Seven Years War , but used his vast knowledge of vexillology to come up with a plausible looking flag.  I think it looks outstanding and not out of place in the Rev War period.   I think it also reflects the grandiose ideas Colonel Browne had for his Regiment and himself.

  Because I do not have a printer my friend AJ  ( did this for me.  The templet worked and after sizing it to fit in with my other colors he sent me two sets. Warren was kind enough to drop it off at the hoyse after getting it from AJ.  Then it was just cut it out and glue to the pole.  In not time the Prince of Wales America Regiment had its new set of colors.  Magnificent!

  Then it was staging a review and award ceremony with Lord Cornwallis.

  A gigantic and heartfelt "Thank You" to Dave for the flag design and templet, AJ for printing it for me and Warren for getting it from AJ to me.  Thank you guys very much! You are the best.  And three cheers and a tiger for the PoWAR regiment and their brand new colors.  Well done lads!

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Fight at the North Bridge

  The situation at the North Bridge in Concord on the morning of the 19 April 1775.   Captain Laurie's detectment of Light infantry companies are guarding the bridge in the center if the picture.  They are listed on the west side of the river.  To their right the local Minute and Militia companies have taken position in the hillside over looking the bridge.  The road to the top left leads to Colonel James Barrett's farm and us where Captain Parson will arrive later in the game.  The road on the lower left leads to the town and is where Lt.Col. Smith will arrive from with his Grenadiers.  Now, onto the game!

   The game starts on turn one with Captain Laurie's detachment guarding the bridge.  Colonel Barrett's Militia and Minute Man battalions are just arriving in the hillside overlooking the bridge.  Captain  Laurie quickly sends a message to town to send reinforcements (they will arrive on the board on turn six).    For the next two turns the Colonists hold a town meeting to debate what to do (i.e.more then half the units must pass a morale test to march towards the bridge).

  On turn three the radical firebrand Colonel John Carroll arrives.  

  His stirring speech to oppose the red coated tyrants is met with cheers and cries from one Minute Captain of "I haven't a man who's afraid to go."  Forming columns the companies march down towards the bridge.


 Captain Laurie retires to the east side of the bridge and extends his men along the bank.  Where is Smith with the reinforcements!   Colonel Carroll leds from the front and the colonists steadily draw nearer.

  Looking to Colonel Carroll for leadership he advised three battalions march to the bridge while one battalion set up to watch the Red coats who went to Barrett's farm.  On turn five the militia and minute men arrive at the bridge.  Both sides are deployed along the banks and ready for a fight.  Laurie wonders aloud where is Smith?  Looking over there shoulders they can just make out the reinforcements marching up the road.

    The British fire a few warning shots (actually it was long range and they missed but this sounds better).

Both sides are in range and deployed and open fire.  Heavy casualties all around but both sides pass their morale checks.  Next move Smith hurried the Grenadiers into place and both sides continued the small arms fire again with casualties mounting.  One militia battalion is shaken but Colonel Carroll rallies them.

On turn 10 Captain Person's detachment arrives on the board!  The waiting Minute battalion is ready and opens fire giving  the British a warm welcome.  

At the bridge casualties mount on both sides with Smith and Carroll trying to rally their men.   First one militia battalion breaks and runs.  Then the light infantry detachment breaks and runs.  Smith and the Grenadiers stand fast and continues to hold the bridge open.

Although shadowed by two battalions Parsons continues to retire and fire.  

  Finally the casualties are too much and the second minute  battalion breaks. 

  The bridge is open and Parson races to cross to safety. Smith, satisfied with the result fires a last volley and covers the march back to Concord.   The two remaining militia battalions move cautiously forward but there is no hope to cut off the lights.  Better to think about how to continue the fight later when the British have to march back to Boston.


  A most enjoyable game.  The difference in quality if troops was the final decision in who one.  In fact I am surprised that the Minute battalions held on as well and as long as they did.  Perhaps that was due to the outstanding leadership of Colonel John Carroll!