Greeting my fellow bloggers and brothers in the world of playing with toy soldiers. I have returned from my snow bird adventures in Florida. It was a delightful time of much activity and meeting many new people. But it has taken a while to adjust to the weather up here and going through a new round doctor visits and the like. This has been a lot of fun and both Janine and are are seriously looking through our finances to see if we can make this an annual event.
Unfortunately all this has gotten in the way of blogging and miniature wargames activities. No posts for the month of February. For this I apologize and do hope to make up for. During my time away I have done much thinking and planning and the next two months should have many posts here.
One table top adventure I have been planning is a refight of the Camden campaign in South Carolina 1780. Researching the series of actions from July 1780 after the British captured Charleston to the massive defeat of the American army at Camden in August 1780. Some actions will be played solo as the attack on the outpost at rocky mount or Huck's defeat do not lend themselves to group play. Too one sided. Others like the action at Hanging Rock have been poorly research or written about and its been fun doing that. Should this go well I will continue the theme with the Cowpens - Guilford Courthouse campaign. I am also preparing material about the 19April 1775 fight. Some research materials and anew updated photo tour of the battlefield today.
So thank you for the comments and for sticking to the blog during my absence. I am back both physically and mentally and doing so much better.