Monday, May 28, 2018

Where are my followers?

  Not sure what has happened here.  I went onto my blog this morning and all my followers had disappeared!! Where there once had been a listing of kind souls who followed this humble blog were now a blank space of nothng. A black hole. Nothing!

  I am all alone. Please note picture of Mark pondering this mystery.

  So, if anyone can explain what has happened, and why I would be very grateful.  I have sent a message to blogger. It is a mystery to me.....


  1. Yes mine disappeared the other day but have returned now - is it blogger trying to 'improve' things ?

  2. I can still see your followers from over this side of the Pond.

    1. I am glad you can see across the pond. I wonder if Sarah Palin can see it from Alaska? ☺

  3. I'm here along with 45 others:-)
    I'm guessing blogger is updating as another blogger said he wasn't getting email notifications of posts.

    1. I am glad you are all thete. Just cannot understand why I have this black hole here?

  4. I still see your Follower widget too.

  5. Replies
    1. Interesting. I check at work and yes everyone is there.

  6. Blogger has made some changes regarding people who comment using OpenID. I am assuming that we will see some hiccups along the way.

  7. Thank you for the feedback. It appears that I cannot see anything while on my Kindle Fire HD. I use that for about 90% of my work on this blog. But when I went to work today and used a real computer there were everyone.

    So, first thank you for checking in. And how this happened I have no idea. Possibly blogger being blogger.....
