Wednesday, March 25, 2020

3rd Pennsylvania Battalion 1776

  The 3rd Pennsylvania Battalion was raised December 1775 in Philadelphia.  Commanded by Colonel John Shee the battalion was assigned to the main army under General Washington during the summer of 1776.  As part of the garrison of Fort Washington the battalion surrendered after a gallant fight in November 1776.  The survivors were reorganized into the 4th Pennsylvania Regiment  in 1777.

   The original uniform consisted of a Brown regimental cost faced and lined white, buckskin breeches and white vest.

For figures I am using Old Glory miniatures second edition.  Rather then cocked hats I put them in round hats as they were a very common field modification done by both sides during the war.  As they were cast in gaitered overalls I went with that rather then repaint them.  Regimental colors were found in the internet .


  1. Cracking job, wonderful unit!

  2. Thanks for the very kind words.

  3. You have done a great job on these Rebels Mark, and they give a good example of how nice the OG Second Edition figures are, I think they are excellent although a bit smal next to their 28mm cousins ....
