Monday, April 18, 2022

I am doing Ok


  Good morning everyone!  Checking in with my latest progress report.  Met with the neurosurgeon the other other day.  They say my skull fracture is healing and no sign of blood or bleeding which is great.  Now they want me to met with a brain specialist.  In the mean time I am scheduled to go into speach therapy and then physical therapy.  

  I am still getting head achs and dizzy spells and at times am light headed.  Walking is unevan as I start to lose my balance or get unsteady and need help.  Sleeping is difficult as I wake after a few hours and cannot get back to sleep.  But I guess this is progress and its slow.  

  What am I doing to get through the day?  Lots of Audible books of course.  These are great as you can sit back and just enjoy.  I am still limited in the time I can spend on a screen.  Reading with print is ok, but screen time (computers, Kindle and tv ) has to be limited as after an period of time I get really bad head aches.  This is letting me know I have to rest my brain.  I have tried to paint some miniatures but I am having a difficult time doing that as my hand and eye coordination if off.  So its more frustrating then helping.  

   I have been playing my map games from Command post Games/Pub Battles.  These take about an hour from set up to conclusions and really divert my attention.  I get to play a game and have fun while doing so. 

 Lastly, I have been thinking of some miniatures wargames ideas and rereading rule sets.  I hope to set up and play a small table top game with my figures soon.  That would be fun!  One scenario I have been thinking of is how to do the War of 1812 battle of Stones Creek.  This was a lopsided battle where a much smaller British force defeated a much larger American force.  I think I may have come up with a way.  We shall see.  

  Again thank you all for the kind words and comments sent here.  I appreciate them and they do cheer me up greatly during those black dog days.  Thank you!


  1. Excellent news! Delighted to hear you are moving forward. Thanks for sharing this update with us.

  2. Glad to hear your on the mend - take it easy now , Tony

  3. Thanks for the update and glad to hear that you are on the mend. Take it easy and although it might be a slow process, it will be worth it in the end.

  4. It’s good to hear that things are moving along and however slowly…improving.
    Working on cunning plans for the future can be just as much fun as putting them into practice…
    I look forward to seeing your take on Stoney Creek…

    All the best. Aly

  5. Great to read that you are making incremental progress Mark and sounds like things are as well as you might reasonably hope for....just a slow journey back to full health I guess. Shame about the oainting but at least you can get some map games in!

  6. One thing I found recently was the more ‘time off’ you have the more you end up plotting and planning! Also, the brain specialist has nothing to do with the injury - it’s because they found out you were a wargamer. KBO! ✌🏻

  7. Excellent news, for sure! Keep making progress!

  8. Good to hear that you're on the mend, albeit qualified by hearing about the issues you're still dealing with. In addition to audio books, if streaming from the internet is available, you might try checking out BBC Podcasts

    Or of course Old radio programs from the Internet Archive:

    Hang in there!

  9. Take your time and take it easy. Plenty time to plot and plan. The lead mountain can wait.

  10. Progress is progress no matter how long it takes and it’s good to hear your slowly getting there. Nice to hear your thinking of figure gaming and mulling over scenarios and rules. Audible books and podcasts I think would be my saviour. Take care and continue to make progress.

  11. Best wishes to you from Linda and I. Slow progress is the best thing for you. Hope to see you soon.

  12. Time is a great healer even with concussions. Take it easy Mark and take it slow. Before you know it you will back to your regular postings.
    I will be looking forward to your report on the battle of Stoney Creek.
    All the best to you,
    P.S. Our group did Stoney Creek about five years ago.

  13. Glad to hear your health is improving Mark, just take it easy and don't overdo it, that said, looking forward to your take on Stoney Creek, should be very interesting p;us seeing your 1812 collection is always sweet!

  14. Take it slow, take it easy. Best wishes.
