Monday, June 19, 2023

Breed's Hill battlefield

"Bunker Hill After the Battle"

by Thomas Davies  1775

(New York Public Library)

A fascinating watercolor done by Thomas Davies of the Bunker Hill battlefield done shortly after the battle.   The view is from the base of Breeds hill looking up towards the redoubt and breastwork built and defended by Colonel William Prescott and his Massachusetts soldiers.  This was the area through which the 5th and 52nd Regiments marched to attack in the final assault.  Note the remains of the fences throughout the field which numerous British officers spoke about.  Also the three soldiers in the fore ground wearing cut down coats and cut down cocked hats.


  1. Nice to have contemporary images of the field Mark - I think those rail fences were a real problem for the attacking British soldiers. We refought the battle once many years ago, using a scenario I designed, to work with our home brew rules at the time. Those rules are long gone so if we were to do it again, I would need to work out all the scenario-specific special rules required to make things work along the same lines as they did on the day.

    1. Very glad you liked it. And yes the fences caused all sorts if headaches for Howe and the battalion commanders that day. I have not as yet gamed thus battle so I would be interested in how your came out.

  2. Great to have an image of the battlefield so soon after the action.

    1. I will be following up this with an excellent map of the battlefield just perfect to design A war game around.
