Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Fox Pups


  We were very excited to see that a family of foxes set up under the shed next door.  We have seen one fox in the area regularly over the past two years.  But looks like he and the misses set up housekeeping.  There are three Pups or kits (babies) and recently we caught them running and playing outside.


  1. We have foxes near to us, but none with their coverts nearby as far as I can tell. I love foxes and love to see them trotting down the street in the evening. On occasion they visit the garden too. When I lived in London I used to see a vixen and her cubs playing on the communal lawn in the early morning, which was a joy to see:).

  2. Very cool Mark....we saw some foxes in London when visiting my cousin back in 2015....they were in her neighbours garden! Her daughter, now in her thirties, told us when she was a teenager, she used to feed a family of fox Cubs at a friends house with peanut brownies!

  3. Had to brake driving in Maine a while back to avoid running one over. Very pretty critter.
