Sunday, May 26, 2024

Hunting Moby Dick or The Revenge of the Whale


“Call me Ishmael.”

― Herman Melville, Moby-Dick or, The Whale

  While looking over the list of games at Huzzah!  I noticed someone was putting on a Hunting Moby Dick game.  I had seen this game at Cold Wars years ago and thought it incredibly imaginative.  Plus I was a long time fan of the book as well as the Gregory Peck movie.  Unfortunately the game was filled and I couldn't get in.  So I did the next best thing and hung around the table asking all sorts of questions.  Here is what I learned about the game.

  The original version of the game was developed by John Rigley who has put it on a numerous Historicons and Cold Wars conventions.  It was done in 25mm and used whale boats and figures from Eureka miniatures and a toy whale.  Each player commands a whale boat and the goal us to kill Moby Dick.  The whale is run by the game master and reacts to events by a die roll.   Moby can turn on his attackers and sink or crush the little boats.  Players enjoy themselves and don't take it too seriously.

  Now here is the Huzzah! Version of the game.  It follows the original rules but the game master, Tom Ballou.  He really got into the spirit of the game by creating thus poster for the game based on the movie.  Pretty funny!


The whale was again a dime store toy which was painted according to the book and cut up into smaller sections.  Thus way you got the shake cruising on the surface, diving, breaching is slapping a boat with its tail.  

“ the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee.”

― Herman Melville, Moby-Dick or, The Whale

There is also a section of the whale with Ahab lashed to it by the harpoon and ropes.  Really very well done.

The miniature whale boats and crew were scratch built by Tom.  You get the riders and the harponer at the bow.

Movement us done by hexes.  Boats and Moby are all mounted on hexes and there are extra ones for movement.  This way you don't mark up a ocean mat.  Very clever!

During the game the boats attempt to sneak up on old Moby Dick and get close enough to harpoon him.  If thus happens the game master rolls to see his reaction.  He might run;  in which case the boat is dragged along.  He might dive deal and  drag the boat down.  Or he can turn and attack smashing a boat with his tail or crushing it in his jaws.  If he dives you don't know where or when he will reappear.  Watch for the seagulls!!  If you fall in the water look out for sharks!

And in a nut shell there is the game.  If your interested in trying it Wargame Vault will be publishing the rules thus fall.  It will have all the charts you need as well as paper cut out figures to start your playing right away.  Keep and eye out for it, I know I will.

 “I’ll chase him round Good Hope, and round the Horn, and round the Norway Maelstrom, and round perdition’s flames before I give him up.”

― Herman Melville, Moby-Dick or, The Whale


  1. Most interesting, thanks. I'll look forward to the rules.

    1. I am looking forward to rules being published. Now if I can paint up a couple eureka miniature whale boats and crew!!

    2. I was also thinking of the Eureka whale boats. Time to start looking for a soft plastic or rubber toy sperm whale.

  2. What a splendid looking and sounding little game Mark…
    It’s certainly the kind of game that should/would appeal to a very broad spectrum of players.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Just the light hearted type of game for group participation at a convention. Visually appealing and fun.

  3. I remember making a whale from Styrofoam and using Airfix Indians as the harpooners artwe watching the movie when I was a kid. Thanks for the info on the up coming publication on Wargames Vault. Good article, I liked the quotes.

    1. Outstanding! I wish I had thought of that! Thank you for the kind words

  4. Great game there and a very neat idea about the hexes! I can see this sort of game going down well with kids, assuming they might have seen the film and/or read the book.

  5. Wonderuful looking game, Mark. I would love to play in it. I wonder how long it will take for all this good material to show up elsewhere, not to mention any three letter names!!!
