Sunday, June 23, 2024

June Game Night


Last Friday was club game night.  As usual members put on three different games.  Usually these are in different time periods.   Here was a run down if what was offered.

Scot Landies and Gordon Pitsley - Napoleonics

Rules: Sons of Napoleon, 28mm, 2-6 Players

The club’s newest members host a new set of rules. French troops face off with an Anglo-Portuguese troops in 1812 Spain.  Division commanders on each side participate in a larger corps sized engagement. You’re not quite sure what is happening on your flanks, but the Corps Commander is sure to visit during the battle and give you direction! Just when you think you are making progress, your fellow division commander may falter on your flank, or you may walk into the fire zone of an enemy grand battery! Players face some unique challenges beyond just their opponents across the table. Join the battle as we try this new rule set with a unique card driven combat system.

Bob Oulette - Rome versus Carthage

Rules: Commands & Colors Ancient, 28mm, 4-6 Players

In 205 BC, Hannibal’s younger brother Magon landed a Carthaginian army at Genova to reinforce Hannibal in Italy. But before Magon could link up with Hannibal, the Roman praetor Publio Quinctilio Varo forced him to give battle. This is a fight between two equal size, yet asymmetric forces that could decide the fate of Hannibal’s Italian adventure.

George Zanni - The Battle of Mobile Bay

Rules: Gridded Naval Wargames by Bob Cordery, ACW 1/600 ships on a grid cloth, 2 - 8 Players

This is a fast-play set of rules. In the past, we had two games in 2.5 hours.

Rear Admiral Farragut tries to take the city of Mobile with the West Gulf Blockading Squadron. Wooden sea-going broadside ships and up to four monitors. The Confederates tried to stop Farragut with a few small wooden ships, a ram or two, one Ironclad, a few shore batteries, and the will of God. There are mines in the waters that are capable of sending a ship to the bottom.

Note: This is my fantasy version of ACW Naval. Fast and simple; it’s a game, not a reenactment. 


  1. 3 great looking games Mark, can't ask for any more than that.

  2. A good mix of games there Mark:). The Napoleonic game has some nice ideas it seems, with action off table potentially affecting the on table action.

  3. Did the salty admiral capture the bay? Inquiring minds want to know!

  4. Seemed like a nice mix of games on offer, mark - I particularly like the sound of the Napoleonic one, lots of "tension"!
