Tuesday, September 24, 2024

General Wayne's Pennysivannia Division1777


  Finally finished up my Pennsylvania Division!  Two brigades of four battalions each and command stands.  As I mentioned it was made up from extra figures I had and re painting some half finished figures or adding new facing colors.  I also broke from my usual habit of a standard size unit.  I went with more historical numbers but rounded them up or down to fit with 20 or 24 figure battalion.

Historically the division was very active from 1777 to the end of the war.  In addition to the Pennsylvania campaign battles (Brandywin, Germantown and Paoli) it also fought through the war in Virginia at Green springs and Yorktown and then South Carolina in 1781.  A hard fight command.

 Commanding his division is Anthony Wayne.  Ambitious and aggressive commander he would command this division from 1777 all the way through to the end of the war.  Nickname "Old Tony"  or "Mad Anthony.". In addition to his service during the American Revolution he later came out of retirement to organize and commanded the American Legion during the campaign and battle of Fallen Timber.

The 1st Pennsylvania Brigade commanded by Brigade Thomas Hartley made up of the 1st, 2nd, 7th,  and 10th Pennsylvania regiments.  

The 2nd Pennsylvania Brigade  Commanded by Brigadier Richard Humpton and made up of the  4th, 5th, 8th and 11th Pennsylvania regiments.

  On a personal note this is my salute not only to Wayne and the Pennsylvania troops. But especially to  my friends in the recreated 2nd Pennsylvania regiment from my reenactment days, the Morristown NHP crew and my on line friends from Pennsylvania.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent work there Mark and a nice bit of history too:)!
