Sunday, October 20, 2024

Club Game Day


  The club put in a open game day Saturday.   Both the public and other clubs in the area were invited for a fun and ex icing day of miniature gaming.  From Ancients to WW2 there were a great number of fun and visually exciting games for all.  A tremendous amount if work as put into this day and the club president Mike  has a tremendous amount of thanks for all the hard work he put into this.    It was a opportunity to game with a number of people week not usually see and I do sincerely hope we see these players again!  Also many thanks to Warren Smith for driving me up to the event.

  I played in two game.  AJ put on his electric brigadier  game with the Battle of Rhode Island game.  Ed put on his Jousting game.  Both are known for there blogs; AJ's War gaming blog ( and Mr Ed's Wargames Meanderings (  Both games were great fun and both were very different from my usually type of game.

The Electronic Brigadier is a computer run game designed by AJ.  The computer rolls the dice, assigns casualties and adjusted morale.  You, as player decide what you want your regiments to do.  On the tablet you click off the action you want your regiment to do.  I found it odd at first and it took a few moves to figure out how things worked but once I got the hang of it the game moved along very quickly.  Something like twenty moves before 12:00.    Its a very clever system.

The battle saw a American Force holding a number of redoubts. A few mikitia, light infantry and continental line regiments were deployed mid field to slow up the Crown Forces.    The British were marching out of Newport Rhode Island and had to capture two of the six redoubts to win.  I had the American command on the right flack and was opposed by a very large Hessian force.  The battle raged back and forth but in the end the Americans held all the redoubts so won the game.

 Ed's Jousting game was completely different from anything I had ever played before.  The figures are very big!  The charts track horsemen ship, attack ability and defense.  Each team/player gets four Knights;  A noble, A Notable and two ordinary Knights.  You fight it out against another player by matching three of your knights against them.  Each fight us very different as players have different abilities.  Its fun and each joust is different.  I just wish I could describe it better but you have to play it to understand.  Let me just says its very clever and a lots of fun.  Ed has the rules a nab d alk the charts you need to play at his blog.  I highly recommend you visit it and check it out!

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