Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Breaking Down Xavier della Gatta's Battle of Paoli Painting


"On the night of Sept. 20-21, 1777, a column of British soldiers launched a surprise attack on Continental Army troops encamped in a field near modern-day Malvern, Pennsylvania. In the ensuing struggle, known as the Battle of Paoli, British light infantrymen and light dragoons inflicted heavy casualties on Pennsylvania Brigadier General Anthony Wayne's fleeing troops. British Army light infantry Lieutenant Richard St. George Mansergh St. George, an Irish artist and veteran of the battle, commissioned this painting by Italian artist Xavier della Gatta in 1782 to remember the violence and trauma he experienced at Paoli.". Museum of the American Revolution

1. British Light Dragoons

These four British soldiers on horseback are members of the 16th Light Dragoons. They used their long steel sabers to devastating effect at Paoli. The dragoon on the right is raising his saber to cut down a Pennsylvania soldier.

2. Lieutenant Martin Hunter

Martin Hunter, St. George’s friend, is wrapping his wounded hand with a bandage. In his memoir, Hunter recalled the close combat at Paoli: “I received a shot in my right hand soon after we entered the camp. I saw the fellow present at me, and was running up to him when he fired. He was immediately put to death.”

3. Ferguson’s Riflemen

Wearing green coats and carrying their breechloading rifles with 25-inch long bayonets, a group of Captain Patrick Ferguson’s riflemen helped to lead the attack at Paoli.

4. Captain William Wolfe

Captain William Wolfe, the Irish commander of the 40th Regiment’s light company, died leading his troops at Paoli. He was remembered as “a most brave and attentive officer.”

5. Pennsylvania Troops

Brigadier General Anthony Wayne’s troops scrambled to defend their camp at Paoli. The Pennsylvanians fired their muskets, which made it easier for the British to find and attack them in the dark. Wayne withdrew his troops in a fighting retreat to save them from total defeat. The Battle of Paoli became known as the “Paoli Massacre” or “Wayne’s Affair.”

6. Brush Huts

Instead of tents, Wayne’s troops constructed brush huts, also called “wigwams” or “booths,“ in their camp along a woodline (which still exists today, right). These huts provided some protection from the wind and rain. Both Washington’s and Howe’s armies built temporary brush hut camps during the Philadelphia Campaign when baggage wagons carrying tents were not close by.

7. Artist’s Signature

Italian artist Xavier della Gatta signed and dated his painting in the bottom right corner: “Xav d Gatta 1782.” Richard St. George traveled to Italy after his wartime service and provided Xavier della Gatta with the eyewitness testimony needed to create this painting. Della Gatta also painted the Battle of Germantown.

All information based on Stephen Gilbert's article:

"An analysis of the Xavier della Gotta paintings of the Battles of Paoli and Germantown 1777 " part 2



  1. Thanks for this Mark, I must read up on the battle - it sounds like a good one to refight, if your sympathies lie with the Crown forces!

  2. Interesting read Mark, really informative.

  3. Interesting analysis. I learned some new things from your post.

  4. I will be posting a similar look at the painting of Germantown next.
