Showing posts with label War of 1812. Show all posts
Showing posts with label War of 1812. Show all posts

Friday, February 18, 2022

Battle of the Four Arms: Part 1

  Our game commenced with the British/Canadian Brigade marching on the table on the north and the United States army entering from the south. In addition a second British Brigade could enter the table on either the north or east side road on a turn to be determined by rolling 2d6.   Both sides needed to control the vital cross road by the end of the game.  

  The American army entered the table on its south side.  With the advanced corps leading the way the 1st US Rifles crossed the bridge, and deployed into skirmish line.  The cavalry moved up to the stream, and the next turn crossed.  All three units moved forward to engage the enemy to give the rest of the army time to cross the stream.  

  The rest of the army deployed to the right and left of the bridge.  The 1st Brigade to the left of the bridge, the 2nd Brigade to its right.   The artillery was kept together and moved across the bridge when it was clear.

While this was occurring the British commander deployed his brigade.  Outnumbered he hoped to delay the enemy and buy time for reinforcements to arrive.  The 19th light dragoons were sent to guard the far left flank, while John Norton and his Mohawks occupied the woods on the right flank.  

  The Glengarry light Infantry and Incorporated Militia Regiment moves forward and occupied the fence lines in front of the village while the militia were held in reservee.  The Royal Marine Artillery crew manning the rocket battery held the cross road where it had A very good field of fire.

  Although the cavalry regiments for both sides were tiny, thus do d not stop the players from charging madly about.  On the United States right flank the New York Volunteer Dragoons charged the 19th Light Dragoons, who then counter charged.  The New Yorkers were defeated and fell back.  On the opposite side the US Dragoons charged the Glengarry LI and were shot down and failed their morale.  Not a good day for cavalry.

  The 1st US Rifles got into A shooting match with the Glengarry LI.  Protected by light cover the Glengarry held firm and shot up their opponents.  The rifles were quickly pulled out of a losing effort and sent to deal with the Mohawks.

  The sacrifices of the rifles and dragoons had not been in vain.  By this time most of the United States infantry had crossed the Stream and were advancing towards the cross roads.  The United States Artillery was also unlimbered and targeted  the Canadian regiments behind the fence line.  

  Moving forward the 25th US Infantry charged the Glengarry whole the 1st US charged the Incorporated Militia.  Although they inflicted casulties both Canadian units lose their moral tests and had to fall back.   All along the front the British/Canadian regiments fall back.  



Wednesday, February 16, 2022

The Battle of the Four Arms 1814: Introduction


  I have noticed I did not play a lot of War of 1812 last year.  Not sure how it happened.  They are one of my favorite armies, and have an incredible toy soldier look and feel to them.  So its time to correct this in justice and put on a game!

Battle of the Four Arms:

   A small force of (British/Canadian) is sent to guard a major cross road.  A larger force (USA) is sent to capture it.  Although the United States forces outnumber the British/Canadian defenders the terrain is not friendly.   A minor stream hinders their deployment. There are a number of fenced in fields that make good positions to defend.  The flanks are protected by woods to the west and a lake to the east.  It will take A few turns to bring superior numbers on to the field.  So the defenders must dig in a fight a delaying action until reinforcements arrive.  Victory goes to the side who holds the cross roads at the end if the game.  

  British/Canadian Army

On the table:

2nd (Light) Brigade: Lt.Col. Parsons

Glengarry Light Infantry. (24) 

Incorporated Militia Upper Canada (24) 

1st Militia Brigade (24) 

2nd Militia Brigade (24)

Mohawk Warriors (12)

Royal Marine Artillery Rocket Battery (light)

19th Light Dragoons


at start of game roll 2d6 for turn they enter the game.

3rd Brigade Lt.Col. Morrison

1st Regiment

89th Regiment

100th Regiment

Flank Companies (Light Infantry and Grenadier)

Royal Artillery (medium)

United States Army: Maj.Gen. Brown

Enter on road on south side of table on first turn.  All units in road column.  This is the order of march.

Advanced Corps:

United States Dragons

New York Volunteer Dragons

1st US Rifles 

2nd Brigade: Brig. Gen. Ripley

1st Regiment

21st Regiment

23rd Regiment

5th Regiment

Artillery (medium)

1st Brigade: Brig.Gen. Scott

9th Regiment 

11th Regiment

22nd Regiment

25th Regiment

Artillery (medium)

Rules used are "Mr. Madison's War"

Scale is 25mmm

Game will last 14 turns.

Terrain:  stream is fordable.  Units move up to it and stop.  Next move cross and full move.  

Woods:  Artillery and cavalry can not enter.  Formed units must be at half speed.  Skirmishes move full speed.

Fences provide soft cover.  Takes one move to cross.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

The Battle of The River Raisin 23 January 1813

This is the second of the two battles.  Fir the furst please read theborevious post.

The American army camped in and around Frenchtown awake to find the woods filled with Canadian Militia and Native Americans.  In addition British regular infantry and artillery are spotted.  all are within musket range.

The American commander assembled his men.  The Kentucky militia fell in at the works around the town.  The Regulars, caught out in the open started the game in shaken status.  The rifles spread out to maintain contact between the regulars and militia.

In the woods the British commander has his artillery and the 41st Regiment in the center facing the town. He plans to use his artillery to batter the militia while the regulars are held back for the final blow. On either flank a militia regiment and a war band of Natives prepared to out flank the American works and surround the enemy. 

The British artillery started the game by firing on one if the militia regiments to its front.  In either flank the Canadian militia and natives raced to outflank the American works.  The US regular Regiment rallied off its shaken status in time to receive fire from its front and flank.  But a deadly volley cut down some if the over enthusiastic warriors to their front.  While the Americans passed their morale checks, counting heads they wondered how long this could last.

Keeping the Americans pinned down to their front, the Canadian infantry and Native Warriors continued to encircle the town while the artillery and muskets continued to inflict casualties.  The US regulars managed to fight their way back to the town.  But within their ranks many wondered how safe was that.

It was at this point that the most dramatic incident in the game occurred.  As the Native Warriors moved into the town Magua saw his old enemy Colonel John Carroll of the Kentucky militia.  Having vowed to kill his enemy Magua took aim at Carroll and shot him in the back. * The Militia to his right and left never noticed as they were too busy with enemies to all sides now.

At this point everything that could go wrong did go wrong.  Both militia regiments failed their morale checks and routed.  But they were now surrounded and no place to go.  The rifles saw the British 41st regiment advancing with lowered bayonets coming towards them.  And the US regulars were busy fighting enemies to their front and both sides.  There was little to do but throw down their arms and surrender and hope the British could keep the Native Warriors from killing them all.

Conclusion:  another quick and fast game.  Just as one sided as the previous battle.  But fun nevertheless.  Also, how often do you get to fight two different battles with the same terrain?  I think if I do this again I would give the Americans another militia regiment to give them more of a chance.  Having the British/Canadian forces set up and start the game in musket range is very deadly, but also historically accurate.  A little tinkering might make this a more evenly matched encounter.  I enjoyed the research and learning mire about these battles.  Which is after all one reason were enjoy this hobby of ours.

* in the rules I used a single figure needed to roll a 2 or less on a 10 sided dice to score a hit.  Magua rolled a 1.  It was very amusing as the real John Carroll is a friend on the Fife and Drum miniature forum who is always getting shot in the back in his French and Indian War or western gun fight games.  I could not believe that this happened in my game.  Sorry John!

Monday, March 15, 2021

The Capture of Frenchtown 18 January 1813


              The first of two battles for Frenchtown.  

South of the town the River Raisin is frozen over and infantry can cross with a movement penalty. North of the town there is a forrest and wide ditch which provides cover for infantry.  It is within musket range of the town.  

The commander of the Kentucky militia crosses the frozen river and advances towards the town.  He places his two militia regiments together with his rifle armed men to either flank.  If he can take and hold the town he can declare a great victory which if course will help his political career back home.

The British/Canadian commander deployed his Native Allies to either flank with his militia  in the center.  He is outnumbered and plans to delay the advancing Americans while avoiding casualties.  He knows reinforcements  are a couple days march away. 

Taking advantage if their longer range weapons the rifles immediately start picking off their enemies.  Once within range the militia exchange vollies with the Canadians taking the worse of the exchange.  they also fail their morale test and rout towards the woods.  The Native Indians quickly join them.  With the militia in the town the Canadians and their allies withdraw to fight another day.  For the Kentucky men it has been a easy walk in the park which will grown in the retelling as a great victory.

In the next days the Americans are joined by a US regular infantry regiment.  In addition they start building a fortified fence line between the village and the woods.  Its cold and they prepare for an uneventful nights rest.  The Kentucky militia camp in the town while the regulars camp in the open outside the fortified lines.  Next day they hope to continue the works.  A couple soldiers grumble about the woods being awful close to our lines.  Nothing to worry about they are reassured...


A neat small skirmish.  Not very exciting but it sets the stage for the next battle.