Thursday, December 17, 2020

Some light painting


I needed a break from painting historical miniatures and research.  Digging around the boxes of old figures I would do "sometime" I found these.  Eureka miniatures dud a series if teddy bears in 18th century uniforms.  I think I'm picked tum up at an long ago Cold Wars or Historicon on a whim.  Just the thing to paint for the holiday season and waiting to dig out after a snow storm.

Now back to researching the Provincial Light Infantry battalion and the 17th company of the 17th Regiment of Foot and their misadventures in South Carolina 1781.

Monday, December 14, 2020

The Flag of Lee's Legion 1781


In my previous posting about Lee's Legion I mentioned I was not sure about the documentation of the Legion's flag.  Here is as much as I could pull together about that flag.  

The present flag that is associated with Lee's Legion is owned by Stafford Hall, the home of the Lee's of Virginia.  It was purchased through the Robert E. Lee Memorial Foundation in 1947 from Francis Bannerman and sons.  The flag itself is made of silk and is 2' 4" wide by 4' 11" long.  Shortly after it was acquired for Stafford Hall the flag was folded, mounted and sealed in a case measuring 26" x 26" by the National Archives in 1948.   It  was remounted in 1983 for exhibition and placed on display.  In 2009 it was removed from display for preservation reasons. Due to exposure to light the the textile colors were fading and there was some deteriorating of the fabric.

The flag is of tan or brown material with a brown horses head and light tan main in the center. The white scrolling has a medium blue center with the words "U.S. Light Dragons." The wording used is very curious as that term was not used by the United States military until the 1790's and the War of 1812.  Since there is no history of where the flag came from before Bannerman sold it it might have been a militia flag from that time period.  In addition there us no mention of this flag in Richardson's book, "Standards and Colors of the American Revolution."

Since the documentation for this flag is so poor I do not intend to use it for my miniature regiment.

The conclusion is my opinion only and I leave it up to each individual if they wish to add it to there miniature regiment.  Often there is so much we do not know and too much information lost that all we can do is come up with a best guess for what we do.  Hence my habit of presenting  what I know or have found out and make my best guess based on that.

Bibliography and links to where to fund it:

The owners of the flag with some background on it:

The Son's of the Revolution of the Commonwealth of Virginia site with a illustration of the flag:

For much more about the Legion:

Sherman, William T.  "Lee's Legion Remembered."

Friday, December 11, 2020

Lee's Legion Infantry 1781


A few years ago I painted up "Light Horse" Harry Lee and his Legion.  Although very happy with the cavalry I was less so with the infantry.  In reorganizing my forces I decided to redo the infantry element.  

The 2nd Partisan Corp or as it's better known name,  Lee's Legion was formed in April 1778 when it was detached from the 1st Continental Light Dragoons.  Through its commander, "Light Horse" Harry Lee and his memoir the Legion's service is one of the better known regiments during the American Revolution.  As to if it was an elite unit, that is up to the reader to decide. But what is not debatable is it could be, at times as ruthless as the British Legion with whom it fought. It was a very active part of Greene's army and played a prominent role in his campaign. Incidentally, Lee's  memoir was written partly to adress the controversy over Lee's action at Eutaw Springs.  His son, Robert E. Lee would continue the defense of his father in later editions of the book.

  I understand that suggesting Lee's Legion were not dressed in green coats might go against current  practice.  This color combination  is usually suggested by

 Lee's ambush of Pyle's loyalists.  Lee himself in his memoir says they were dressed similar to the British Legion in green.  (Please note the memoirs were published long after events and have been questioned in numerous details).  When I painted them up I bucked tradition and used the painting of Lee himself in a tan/brown faced green coat. I feel thus might be a more accurate presentation.  Again, my opinion only and I wouldn't criticize another interpretation.

In addition I also used the following quote from private Shaw of the 33rd regiment of foot. He was captured just prior to Guilford Courthouse and wrote later:

"Scarcely had we gone half way up the lane, when seven of Lee's light horse made their appearance: my companion swore there was Tarleton's light horse coming, and, says he, ‘we shall be taken up on suspicion of plundering, and get 500 lashes a piece.' ‘No;' said I, upon observing their brown coats, and white cockades, ‘no, friend, you are deceived; these must be the rebels.' Having therefore discovered his mistake, he began to cry;--but for my part, I thought it very good fortune.—As they were advancing towards us, we concluded to go and meet them; which we accordingly did, and falling on our knees begged for quarter; which they granted ….

 The Infantry of the Legion are much more of an mystery.  I think the evidence suggests the Legion infantry had a different uniform from the mounted element. There was an issue of enough cloth to three officers to make coats of blue faced red and lined white (see p40 Katcher Uniforms of the Continental Army). This was from the clothier general of Maryland in 1782.  There is also a portrait of an officer of the Legion Infantry,  Lieutenant Laurence Manning who was shown in a blue coat faced red with silver lace.

  So I feel confident the Infantry element of the legion in 1781 at least we're in standard blue faced red coats.  There is no evidence of helmets issued so I outfitted my infantry in standard infantry uniform. Please feel free to disagree.

  For my table top Legion I have once again used the most excellent figures from Brigade miniatures for the Infantry of the Legion.  I have been going through my box of extra and left over figures to fill out my collection as of late.

 The flag for the Legion is much more questionable so I have not added one.  There are some sources that suggest one but I am unsure of the documentation.  If better information comes available later to convince me I will add it then.  

And now I look forward to Lee tangling with Tarleton in the battle of the legions on my table top!

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

A unusual command figure

I needed a command figure for one of my Rifle regiments .  One of the rules sets I regularly use allowed skirmishers to snipe at a battalion's command.  Devastating small arms casualties could also possibly kill them.  Thus creates morale issues for that battalion.  But what figure to use?

Going through my box of left over figures I passed by various officer types.  Doesn't work I thought.  Then he jumped out at me!  Perhaps influence by Eric's 1798 Irish rebellion games and that crafty Jesuit Father Carol (A very well know individual on TMP).  Perhaps it was the Rev. Caldwell yelling "Give em Watts boys" * at the battle of Springfield NJ.  Or the southern Baptist at Huck's Defeat.  Could it be the  Mad Padre from his blog which I greatly enjoy transported back in time?  

No matter he seemed the perfect figure to march with my "Over The Mountain" riflemen who are going to chastise Patrick Ferguson at Kings Mountain.

*During the battle, according to tradition the Rev Caldwell took copies of the old Watts hymnals  from the church and gave them to the troops to use as cartridge paper.  

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Kirkwood's Delaware Light Infantry


  Following the disaster to the American Army at the Battle if Camden 1780 the famed Delaware regiment was reduced to two companies of infantry.  One was commanded by Captain Jaquett and was assigned to the Maryland Regiment.  The other, commanded by Captain Robert Kirkwood is used as a light infantry company.  Although attached to the famous Maryland-Delaware light infantry battalion at the Battle if Cowpens 1781, it served otherwise throughout Greene's campaigns as a independent light company.  The small company if about 100 men saw service at Guilford Courthouse, Hobkirk Hill and Eutaw Springs.  If you are building Greene's southern army 1781 you need thus unit!

A Don Trioni impression of the Delaware Infantry

The Delaware regiment was attached to the Maryland line and supplied through that colony.  Both before and after the Battle of Camden they were issued blue regimental coats faced red and white small clothes.  Interestingly the officers from Maryland in October 1781 were issued blue and red wool to be made into regimental coats and waist coats.   During the summer if 1781 Greene obtained hunting shirts for the Continental line as a summer uniform.  Traditionally the Delaware regiment had yellow trim to their cooked hats.  

The Company of Military Historians issued a plate in their uniform series depicting a soldier of Kirkwood as company dressed in a yellow trimmed cocked hat, hunting shirt and striped overalls.  No sources are cited.  All issues if overalls to Greene's army appear to be if brown linen or osnaberg materials.

Company of Military Historian plate of Colonel Hall's Delaware Regiment .

 For more information on the uniforms I highly recommend the following article:

Babits, Lawrence E. " Supplying the Southern Army March 1780 to September 1781."

Military Collector and Historian, vol. 47, no. 4 (winter 1995).

For my miniature Delaware company I am painting them in blue regimental coats faced red with yellow trimmed cocked hats.  The figures are from Old Glory miniatures second edition.  I will be mixing brown and tan overalls as well as some unlocked hats to give a field impression of the mixed nature of supplies as well as soldier improvement to their uniforms.