Monday, November 14, 2022

Multi Period Game


  On the blog "Battlefields and Warriors", Norm has devised a wonderful multi period scenario.  It is designed for a smaller table (6 x 4) and modest forces.   Most importantly to me is the ability to place it in any time period, with adjusted forces to reflect that time.   It is an interesting tactical problem which should make a most interesting game.  Reminds me greatly of the old Table Top Teasers from Military Modeling in my younger days   That’s the 1970’s to you, by the way  These were always the first pages I turned to and read.  They always greatly inspired me and influenced my gaming and hobby.

  I plan on fighting this out on the table top with American Rev War, War of 1812 and Crimean War armies.  I will make some adjustments to the forces to better keep within the time period I am playing.    So stay tuned for three battles.

Thank you Norm for sharing this!

Here is the game plan from Norms blog.

From Battlefields and Warriors blog:

Multi period


At start, both sides have the same units, these being;

5 x regular infantry units

1 x elite infantry unit

1 x medium cavalry unit

1 x foot battery

2 x average commanders so that 2 commanded formations can be formed PLUS 1 x average commander to work with the reinforcement

Optional rules for forces:

At the start of play, each player rolls a D6. 1-2 the player loses one of their regular infantry units. 3-4 no effect. 5-6 the player gains an additional regular infantry unit OR can upgrade any one (only) existing unit to elite status.

Admin :

All units except one, start the game by being set up anywhere along their baseline and up to 4” in from the edge. See special rules for the one unit that does not begin play on the table.

The game will end the moment one of the forces loses 50% of their units.  At that time check to see which player controls the bridge (defined below) to establish a winner.

Special Rules:

The river is only cross-able via the bridge In a modern setting, amphibious capable vehicles cannot be used to cross the water.

The ditch counts as a linear obstacle and provides cover when attacked frontally.

One unit from each side will not be set-up on the table at start. That unit is off table manoeuvring on the flank. Starting on turn 2 and on each subsequent turn, at the start of their turn, a player will roll a D6 on and a score less than the current turn number, their reinforcement will arrive along either of the short edges of the table.

The player chooses which end of the table the unit will come on and at what point, so it can arrive on the enemy flank or the player might prefer it to arrive on their own flank as a reinforcement to shore up their own position. The reinforcement is given its own commander, who will be of average quality. 

The armies will set up on their baseline (one of the wide table edges) and before play, both players will each roll a D6 adding +1 if they have chosen elite cavalry. The winner chooses which of the two table edges they will play from. Re-roll equal modified scores.

Winning :

 This is a meeting engagement and victory will be based upon the capture of the bridge. Once the game is called, based on a side suffering 50% casualties, check who controls the bridge. Controlling both ends of the bridge (i.e. the road bit at each end) will be classed as a win, anything else is a draw.

Friday, November 11, 2022

November 11th


  My grandfather, Edward McNamara from Lexington Massachusetts served with the 101st Regiment (Medical company), 26th Yankee Division in the first world war.  He seldom talked about it, and when he did it was a terrible memory which haunted him.  It was only later that I found out  he was mentioned in the division's orders and was highly decorated for heroism under fire.  He never mentioned this to me, I found out later through my own research.  But  I will always remember his smile when he told me how at 11:00 A.M. on 11th November the guns stopped and he and his friends knew they would live, knew they had survived.  He went on to raise a family and contribute to society.  During the next war he built ships for the Navy at the Charlestown Navy yard.

Edward McNamara helmet.

   And as this date is now called Veterans Day I say thank you to my father in law, Aldrich Stevens  who served in the  3rd Ranger Battalion (Darby's Rangers) in the Second World War.  He saw service with them at North Africa, Sicily and Italy.  Seriously wounded he did not make the Anzio landing and thus missed the action at Cisterna (although he may have listened to the last radio calls while at headquarters).   Like my grandfather he too was haunted by the memories of what he saw, experienced and especialy those he lost.  But again he went on with life.  Due to the GI bill he got a education, raised a family and contributed to society.  

I remember their sacrifices and hope both men  have found peace.

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Game at Mark's house


  Yesterday, I hosted a small game at my house.  John, Paul, George and Warren all took the time to drive a good distance down to my house. Janine made a big pot if chilli with corn bread for us.   We played a American Rev War game.  But that was less important then for the first time in a very long time I had friends together and over my house.   It felt great to have friends back and wonderful to move toy soldiers about the table, roll dice and tell tale tails and stories and just laugh.  As John said it was time to get me back into gaming with my friends.  

  What happen in the game was far less important then being back together.  By the end of the day I was very tired but extremely happy.  Its nice to have friends who care.  Thank you guys.  I appreciate it much more then you all may ever realize.  

Monday, October 24, 2022

Lauzun's Legion Hussars


  Finished up the 1st Squadron of the Legion cavalry.  These are the Hussars dressed in yellow trousers and trim.  A most handsome unit and now ready to take the field.

Friday, October 21, 2022

Lauzun's Legion Infantry


 I  have long wanted to add Lauzun's Legion to my armies. The fight between Tarleton and Lauzun would make an excellent, very colorful game.  Staring with the infantry element I have finally gotten on my way.

  The infantry of the Legion was supposed to contain a grenadier company of 100 men, a chasseur company of 170 men, and two line infantry (fusilier) companies of 170 men each.  When Rocheambeau’s force left France  there was a shortage of transport ships so the Fusilier companies were left behind. The Grenadier Company sailed with 116 men and wore a bearskin hat without a front plate. The Chasseur Company  sailed with 99 men and wore a black cocked hat with white tape (and not a helmet).  I decided to combine the two infantry elements into a single unit if 24 fugures.  Rather then the Grenadier uniform I went with the Chassaur uniform as I wanted to have some skirmishes type troops for thus legion.  Also I believe the chassaurs were involved n the battle with Tarleton.    Perhaps later on I might add Grenadiers but we will see.

It felt good to be back in the saddle so to speak painting wise.  I know they are not my best effort but I am still pleased with them.  

Next up the Hussars of the 1st Squadron then the Hussars/Lancers of the 2nd Squadron.