Sunday, December 25, 2022

Battle of Trenton 25 December 1776


Captain Alexander Hamilton's New York Artillery Company in action at Trenton.  Today the 1st battalion 5th Field Artillery

December 18, 1776

Washington to his cousin,

"I think the game is nearly up...."

December 23, 1776

"These are the times that try men's souls.  The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country, but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and women."

Thomas Paine, The Crisis.

  "On the way to the boats, Greenwood (American fifer 15th Continental Regiment) continued, "seeing some of our men were much pleased with the brass caps which they had taken from the dead Hessians, our prisoners, who were besides exceedingly frightened, pulled off those they were wearing and, giving them away, put on the hats which they carried tied behind their packs. With these brass caps on, it was laughable to see how our soldiers would strut-fellows with their elbows out and some without a collar to their half-a-shirt, no shoes, etc." 

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Merry Christmas


  A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all.  Thank you all who have followed my blog.   I have enjoyed writing the blog, and I enjoy hearing from all of you so much more.  And thank you to those who drop by.  I hope you enjoy it or find it fun.  You have all helped to make my life brighter and happier during the past year.

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Lauzun's Legion Lancers


  It took me long enough but I have finally finished the Lance armed Hussars of Lauzun's Legion.  The fancy hussar type uniform is most different from my usual figures and coupled with my hand eye coordination issues I am just very happy to have completed them.  Not my best work I admit but still colourful and they will stand out on the table top.


  Each legion was supposed to be made up of a company each of hussars, gunners and workmen as well as a small infantry battalion of one Grenadier company, one  Chasseur company and two Fusilier companies. There was also a "Compagnie Generale" (a sort of HQ formation),  of one company of hussars. This unit was thought to be the one armed with lances.

  The 2eme Legion became "Lauzun's Legion" around 1779/80.  The new Legion was composed of the 2nd Legion Volontaires Étrangers de la Marine and new recruits, was named Volontaires Étrangers de Lauzun (Foreign Volunteers of Lauzun).  This new Legion was made up of 800 infantry and 400 cavalry divided into 5 companies of infantry.  These included 2 companies of Fusiliers, one Grenadier, one Artillery and one Chasseur company.  Each squadrons of hussars were to be made up of two companies; one of French hussars and the other of Polish lancers.  The uniform of the Legion would be the same as the previous 2nd Legion except  that all  hussars were supposed to be dressed as the Compagnie Generale company.  As with all things in Lauzun's Legion its doubtful that happened and a mix of the two Hussar uniforms probably occurred.

  I have not added the colorful flags on the end if the lances.  Thus us because I have not yet been able to find out if they had any.  modern artists have painted them both ways. If I find documentation they had them I will add the flags.

Monday, December 12, 2022

Fighting Quatre Bras: The Conclusion


  Warren and I returned to John's house to finish fighting the game on Monday.  Unfortunately Don and Phil couldn't make it and last minute issues and weather kept Peter and Paul at home.  So Warren took the French and I the Allies and we continued the battle.

The Allied cavalry on the left flank routed the French cavalry and then captured the battery near it. They then moved to threaten the French exposed flank.

In the center Warren advanced with three brigades to take the cross roads.  The Allies held the center.  I brought up enough infantry to stall his attacks and keep him pinned down.  While my die rolling for infantry fire was great, but I could only roll 1's and 2's for artillery!  Very frustrating!

On the Allies right the Dutch Belgium troops held fast and drove off the French.

So in the end the Allies held the cross roads and drive the French back for a victory.

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Fighting Quatre Bras


  Last  Monday were spent fighting out the Battle of Quarter Bras.  John hosted the game which was in 15mm and used the rules Age of Eagles.  Warren was able to give me a ride up so I joined him along with Paul, Peter, Phil to fight out this battle.

  The game set up.  The French 2nd Corps under Ney approaches the cross roads.  A small contingent of Dutch and Hanovarians set up in the woods.  In the photo the French are at the top advancing on the cross road.

  Fortunately the British 5th Division and the Brunswick Corp arrive.

  In the center the French try to ride down the infantry but are sent packing back.  Terrain helps here.

While the British march to secure our left flank the gallant Brunswickers deploy to hold off Jerome's division.

The French try to outrank the cross roads but run up against the solid British and are turned back.

Massing their infantry the French try again another the Allied right but again are thrown back.

At this point the game was held and kept in place for next monday.  John is able to  keep the game set up so we can continue next monday.  So to be continued!