Sunday, December 11, 2022

Fighting Quatre Bras


  Last  Monday were spent fighting out the Battle of Quarter Bras.  John hosted the game which was in 15mm and used the rules Age of Eagles.  Warren was able to give me a ride up so I joined him along with Paul, Peter, Phil to fight out this battle.

  The game set up.  The French 2nd Corps under Ney approaches the cross roads.  A small contingent of Dutch and Hanovarians set up in the woods.  In the photo the French are at the top advancing on the cross road.

  Fortunately the British 5th Division and the Brunswick Corp arrive.

  In the center the French try to ride down the infantry but are sent packing back.  Terrain helps here.

While the British march to secure our left flank the gallant Brunswickers deploy to hold off Jerome's division.

The French try to outrank the cross roads but run up against the solid British and are turned back.

Massing their infantry the French try again another the Allied right but again are thrown back.

At this point the game was held and kept in place for next monday.  John is able to  keep the game set up so we can continue next monday.  So to be continued!


  1. Looks great Mark and glad you were able to join in such a nice-looking game. Quatre Bras seems to be very popular at the moment - it feels like I have read several blog accounts of this battle being refought in recent weeks!

  2. Good looking game, looking forward to the conclusion.
