Saturday, December 31, 2022

Battle of Quebec 1775


  Tonight marks the incredibly brave but foolish assault to capture Quebec by the American forces under Montgomery and Arnold.   Going into the attack under cover of a heavy snow storm.  

  At one point American rifle men under Daniel Morgan were using ladder to climb down from buildings to get into the city.  An amazing story.  I have always felt bad that the troops from New England had their terms of enlistment expire the next day, but still went in.  As I said an amazing story!


  1. Haven't heard of this at all Mark...sounds like the sort of thing your countrymen were trying to do in 1812-14! I just read your previous health update and have left my thoughts there.

  2. Very interesting Mark…
    I can think of many things I would rather be doing on a freezing winters day…
    Although this could certainly make for a very entertaining game…

    All the best. Aly
