Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Hunting the USS Maine in Bangor Maine

  In Davenport Park in down town Bangor Maine is my latest find in hunting for the USS Maine.  It is the bow scroll from the ship.  Or as one person on trip advisor called it "Battleship bling.". It has been restored and painted and now is mounted on a granite replica of the ship's bow.  The scroll was recovered from the battleship when it was raised in Havana harbour after the Spanish American war.

Friday, August 31, 2018

Wings of Freedom Tour at Worcester Airport

   The Wings of Freedom Tour of World War two aircraft will be at the Worcester Airport, Worcester Massachusetts on September 22 and 23. The actual airplanes themselves will be flying in on Friday September 21.  This is great as how often can you see a B-17 fly into a airport and land.  If you live in the area please drop by as it is a pleasure to see these planes up close and personal and to actually see them fly.  Of course, you can also actually fly in them also. This is very expensive but a once in a lifetime experience.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

14th Continental Regiment 1776

   If a single regiment could be said to have saved the American Revolution it was the 14th Continental Regiment.  Twice, at Long Island and at Trenton the regiment played a crucial role either as a fighting regiment or as sailors.  After the defeat on Long Island in August 1776 these men crewed the boats that evacuated Washington's army.  Later, they  rowed Washington's men across the frozen Delaware river,  then joined Sullivan's division to fight the Hessians at Trenton.

  Formed in 1775 from local militia the regiment was designated as the 14th Continental Regiment in 1776 and commanded by Colonel John Glover.  Recruited from the Marblehead Massachusetts area from men who worked on ships and depended on the ocean.  The regiment included numerous minorities from the American Indian and free Black communities.  The regiment is described as wearing a mix of uniforms and salior clothing.  Regimental coats were drab or brown with red facings, although some blue jackets are mentioned.

  Figures are from Eureka miniatures.  These are dressed in mixtures of uniforms and  sailor clothing.  Some are wearing naval jackets which I painted a plain blue. The majority are in regimental coats with sailor trousers.  I painted the coats a drab brown with red facings to match the deserter descriptions.  I really liked the drab brown I mixed.  Accoutrements were white belts, with haversack and canteen.  All pretty standard.

  For the regimental colors I went with Washington's recommendation of a Grand Union flag with another in the regiments facing color and a device.  For the regimental color I used a red flag from the Gostelowe collection with the mailed fist as that was a early symbol of Massachusetts.  The Grand Union type has a New England line tree which again represent New England.

   My only complaint here is the mixed poses.  It gives a unbalanced look to the unit.  My preference is for a standard pose. Usually marching.  But I went with this as it has the figures in the right mix of clothing.  Perhaps on the table top it will not look too out of place.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

19th Continental Regiment 1776

  The 19th Continental Regiment was raised in Connecticut and commanded by Colonel Charles Webb.  It saw service during the New York campaign of 1776  as part of McDougall 's brigade. It participated at the battle of White Plains on 28 October 1776.  As part of Washington's army It retreated across the Jerseys and later fought at the battle of Trenton.  Most of the regiment' s enlistments expired after that,  but enough men volunteered to stay on that the regiment fought at second Trenton and Princeton.

  I found little in the way of uniform information for this regiment.  One deserter description mentioned drab or light colored coats while another mentioned a blue coat.  I went with drab brown with blue facings. Musicians are in reversed colors of blue faced drab brown.  Conjecture in my part but based on what little information I could find.  Didn't he Regimental Colors I used the Grand Union with a blue Gostelowe flag.  Both types of flags were used during the time.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

On the painting table

  I have a number of half finished projects on the painting table.  I guess that is a common occurrence among wargamers. While I have kept up a steady progress of painting I have run out of flags and bases to finish a number of regiments.  Perhaps I should switch to regiments that do not need colors or bases and I would be alright!  Si, here are my not ready for prime time regiments.

The 19th Continental Regiment are Tom RSM miniatures.

  And the 14th Continental Regiment from Eureka miniatures.

     Painting right now is the British 41st Regiment of Foot 1814.  Slow going I have only 8 of the 24 figure done.  Also on the deck are 24 British flank company figures to represent Light and Grenadier companies.

Finaly, I have some Rev War British Light Infantry primed.