Campaign Guide Lines:
1. Rules used are Fife and Drum miniatures AWI rules. House rules and interpretation by game master.
2. Figure scale is 10:1 although historical order of battle have been consulted some regiments have been consolidated and regimental strengths rounded up or down to provide better playability.
3. Terrain to be based on historical battles in the area.
4. After each battle 25% of casualties will be returned to each unit. One month after that battle all American units (including loyalists) receive an additional 25% returned. Two months after battle British and Hessian units receive back 25% casualties. Units that drop to under 20% of their original strength after a battle are eliminated.
5. Staff Officers return after battle if roll a 4-6 on a D6.
6. Players should be familiar with the historical campaign.
1. January 1781
General Morgan invades South Carolina with his Light Troops. He can successfully link up with Pickens' South Carolina brigade by rolling 1-4 on a D6; Sumter's brigade will join on a roll of 1-3.
Morgan now has three options:
1. Fight Cowpens as the historical battle with historical order of battle.
2. Attack Camden. The garrison under Rawden will march out to fight him at the Hobkirk Hill area. After that battle Tarleton will try to intercept Morgan by rolling a 1-3 for an encounter battle.
3. Attack the Fort Ninety-Six garrison. A defense will be set up by Cruger outside of the fort. The garrison can be reinforced during the battle by Tarleton by rolling 1-4 on a turn determined by a die roll.
2. February 1781
Cornwallis' chase Greene's and Morgan's forces through North Carolina. The following battles are possible and determined by a die roll:
1. Cowen's Ford will be defended by Davidson's militia brigade as the historical battle by rolling 1-4. Greene can detach elements of the Continental Light Division to assist on a turn determined by a die roll.
2. A meeting engagement on random terrain involving all units if a 5-6 is rolled.
March 1781
Greene's reinforced army turns to fight Cornwallis army.
1. Guilford Courthouse as the historical battle by rolling 1-4.
2. Greene attacks Cornwallis army at Guilford Courthouse by rolling 5-6.