I completed the Brigade game miniatures militia figures. These were fun figures to paint and a break from my usual uniformed troops. While they can field as any militia type troops I expect to use them as Captain Samuel Mosley's men due to their ball bag and cartridge pouch. His orders were to use these rather then powder flasks (i.e. twelve apostles) to aid in faster loading and making less noise. I think these figures also capture the look of Mosley's men who were made up of ex privateers, pardoned convicts, ex sailors, and other riff raff drafted from undesirables in town.
Mosley was an ex merchant ship captain who had fought privateers and pirates and disliked native Indians. He was involved in a number of questionable actions so his marriage to the governor's daughter probably kept him out of trouble. He did not get along with Captain Benjamin Church, who refused to mention him at all in his history of the war. Which is possibly why he is not well known today. Captain Mosely's company took part in numerous fights and always gave a good accounting of themselves. At Bloody Brook when they tried to rescue Captain Lathrop's men the Indians recognized them and called out, "Come on Mosely, come on! You want Indians? Here are enough Indians for you!"
In addition I have been painting up the warfare Miniatures armed civilians. These figures have the twelve apostles and are walking (I hesitate to say marching) in a very relaxed manner. Perfect for local militia walking into an ambush or escorting supply wagons.
And a few more pictures of how things will look on the table top.