Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Sir William Howe's Army Part 2

Now for the rest of the Crown Forces.  The Elite type battalions get the glory but it's the regular line who do the work.  Here is the British line, The Hessian line and the Loyalist line troops.  The British line are all Fife & Drum miniatures as are most of the Hessians except the Musketeer Regiment.  The loyalist line are Old Glory 2nd edition but the British region horse and foot are F&D.

British Infantry Brigade made up of the 17th, 23rd, 44th and 55th Regiments of Foot.  I will be adding two addition line battalions (40th and 64th) in the future so I will have two brigades of three battalions each.

17th and 44th Regiments

55th and 23rd Regiments.

The Hessian Brigade of Colonel Rall.  Here are the Rall Grenadier, Lossburg and Knyphausen Fusiliers and Bose Musketeer regiments.  Off to the flanks the jager companies keep an eye out on the flanks.  Most figures are from Minden Miniatures although the Bose are from the old RSM Ltd minuatures.  

loyalists brigade of the British Legion Horse and Foot, the Prince of Wales American Volunteer, Volunteer of Ireland, New York Volunteer and Kings American Regiment.   Mixture of both early green uniform coats and later red coats.  The regimental colors for loyalist regiments are very doubtful historically.  But I like flags so I added them.  Usually I use British line colors but the Prince of Wales color was dine for me by David at the site Not By Appointment.  They are beautiful and his flags are outstanding!


Sunday, July 7, 2024

Sir William Howe's Army 1776 part 1


 Here we have the first part if my tribute to Sir William Howe's army in New York 1776.  In the background is Sir William himself with his staff and being distracted by Mrs Loring.

     The two British Grenadier battalions march by in review.  Nothing so noble as these       elite soldiers

                                   The Light Infantry battalions flanking the column.

  The 71st Highland Regiment marching pass.  Off to the side its commander has a theology discussion with the Rev. Runt.

Under the watchful eye of Lord Cornwallis the Brigade of Guards marches pass.  Formed from drafts from all three Guards regiments the Brigade consisted of two large infantry battalions with a Grenadier and a Light  company.  All soldiers heavily modified their uniforms for service in North America.  Five and Drum miniatures, who make all the Crown Forces here have done a outstanding job of accurately depicting the correct uniforms for the period.

Overhead view of the army passing by.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Our French Allies


Represented by Lauzun's Legion Hussars and Infantry.   Led by the great man himself the Legion makes a beautiful appearance with their beautiful uniforms.  

Friday, July 5, 2024



I like to place little things around my table to liven it up.  Farm animals in the yard, ducks and geese by waterways.  That sort of thing.  I especially like to add small numbers of civilian figures.  You can use them to add color or as an objective.  One game I played in had each figure knowing some sort if information.  One figure knew when enemy reinforcements were entering.  Another could tell you where a hidden ford was.  Still another was the village idiot and gave out nonsense!  Great fun.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

4th July parade


          A few more pictures of the American force under General Washington.

Colonel John  Glover's 14th Continental line Regiment.  Recruited from Marblehead Massachusetts.  The Regiment was made up of sailors and mariners.  Figures from Eureka Miniatures.

 The rest of Colonel Glover's brigade.  The 3rd, 13th and 26th Continental line Regiments.   Figures are from Brigade games.  

Colonel "Light Horse Harry" Lee's dragoons

Continental Artillery companies.  Captain Hamilton's New York company in buff and blue and Captain Procter's PA. Company in blue and red.