Friday, July 5, 2024



I like to place little things around my table to liven it up.  Farm animals in the yard, ducks and geese by waterways.  That sort of thing.  I especially like to add small numbers of civilian figures.  You can use them to add color or as an objective.  One game I played in had each figure knowing some sort if information.  One figure knew when enemy reinforcements were entering.  Another could tell you where a hidden ford was.  Still another was the village idiot and gave out nonsense!  Great fun.


  1. Those are the v2 sheep I did for Hovels. The first ones Dennis hated and told me they looked like camels! I found one when I was sorting through a box of scraps a couple of years ago and Dennis was right: they were horrible! The Tom & Jerry set were a joke when I made a rat out of leftover miliput. I included the rat in another commission and Dennis wanted a cat to go with them. That was over 30 years ago…

    1. Great to hear from you again! I miss your comments and sense humor. Fascinating to year the back story on these figures.

  2. More great figures, Mark, and I am in total agreement re adding civilians to the table! I even have some of these myself. What range do the ones in the last three images come from, I don't think I recognize them?


    1. Its a company called Venture Miniatures. Really small and do figures in the Edward Suren "willie" style.

  3. One of the things I love about really good games is all of the 'extras'. These will do nicely as far as that goes. Nicely done Mark.

  4. Very clever idea, Mark. I must admit, I have never thought about using civilians other than for objectives or impediments.


  5. I have civilians but your use of them is far superior. My wife found a small chicken to adorn our Marengo battles.

    1. I think the chicken is excellent!

    2. Even better, for one game, she prepared Chicken Marengo.

  6. Excellent civilians there Mark and I have plenty primed up, but yet to be finished:(. I love the idea of using them to provide info in a game, so will shamelessly copy that idea for a planned game in the Autumn:)!
