Thursday, July 25, 2024

Historicon wrap up


  I am back home from Historicon and it was outstanding.  But, guess my age is showing as it took me a day to recover from all the excitement.  Here are a few additional highlights from the three days.

Venture miniatures.  A fantastic miniature company.  The figures are very much like the old Suren Willie figures.  Jude Becker has gotten the figures and molds that David Wilson dud a few years ago.  David studied figure making from Edward Suren himself and his figures are a perfect match for them.  They are full of charm and character.  The range is mid 18th century and has British and French troops.  In addition there are great civilians figures.  More figures are being added.

There web page is at

Jude Becker and Alexander Burns

At the Venture both I had the pleasure to meet and talk with Alexander Burns.  A great historian he hosts the Kabinettskriege blog site which is a treasure drive of magnificent writing on 18th century military topics.  If you have not visited it I highly recommend you do.  Alex is a great personally and meeting him was a highlight of my week.


 Jim's Pickett's Charge game gas been described in a previous post.  What i did not mention were the great little mini diorama scattered throughout the battlefield.   Here are a few.

  Another amazing looking game.  "Tora! Tora! Tora!". The attack on Pearl Harbour.  The table was a incredible map of the harbour itself with all major ships represented.  All players are on the Japanese side and command attack aircraft.  I confess I was both fascinated by it and also bothered.  But the game did look incredible and the game master put an incredible amount if work into it.  

The Battle of Bennington during the American Revolution

The Moby Dick game again!

Remember The Alamo!

And finally, in the midst of various games and battle this individual could find a quiet place to read