Saturday, July 20, 2024

Friday at Historicon


Friday was a most busy day.  I divided my time between picking up items I needed to finish projects and checking out games and seeing old friends.

The dealer area at Historicon.  Lots to buy!

The Alamo game.  Each time I walked by the game was in full swing and people looked like they were having a great time.  Beautiful recreation of the Alamo and over 800 figures.  Amazing details!

A really excellent looking Western Gun fight set up.  Great details.

A very interesting game if the destruction of the three Roman legions in the German Forest

Great looking game based on the movie The Desert Rats!

Outstanding looking air game

A most impressive Napoleonic!

That's it for now.  More to follow later today!

Friday, July 19, 2024

At Historicon


We left Thursday morning from Massachusetts and arrived at Lancaster Pennsylvania later afternoon.  Check in at registration for HMGS went smoothly.  After dumping our bags in our room I had some figures I was selling and wanted to get that over quickly.

Once that was taken care of we set out to explore the convention halls.

First thing we saw was a very well done diorama of the D Day landings on Omaha beach.  

And a fun game with chariot races in the forum.

In the dealers area there were lots of goodies.  Almost too much!

Gettysburg Soldiers table always has an excellent set up and beautiful figures.

I found a copy of the book "Bad Roads and Poor Rations" by Adrian Mandzy.  This is a excellent book on wargaming the War of 1812 in North America.  Its filled with outstanding pictures of many different figures in all scales as well as numerous scenarios based on actual battles.  I have wanted to pick thus up for a long time and am very happy I did.  Best of all the author was at the next table and autographed my copy!

I will be doing a more in depth review in another post as I feel this is a must have book.

A great way to end my first day.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

And We Are Off to Historicon!

   And we are off and running!  Leaving this morning on our way to Historicon. George is picking me up about 8:00 AM.   Its about a seven hour drive so should be there late afternoon/early evening.   Once there we will check in to our rooms, register then take a walk about the venue and perhaps the flea market area.  I have some figures and books I am selling and will meet up with the individuals buying them at this time.

  Signed up for two games and greatly looking forward to them both:  On Saturday afternoon I am playing in Jim Purky's  "Picket's Charge" game  and Saturday evening i am playing in Eric Turner's The Battle of Elizabeth Guettar (from the movie “Patton”)

More news to follow!

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Baggage Wagons


We all need a supply column.  They add greatly to a variety of games and visually are great fun.  I suspect you can never have enough wagons.  Later this year I will be posting some research I have done on how military wagons were painted during the Rev War period.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Sir William Howe's Army Part 2

Now for the rest of the Crown Forces.  The Elite type battalions get the glory but it's the regular line who do the work.  Here is the British line, The Hessian line and the Loyalist line troops.  The British line are all Fife & Drum miniatures as are most of the Hessians except the Musketeer Regiment.  The loyalist line are Old Glory 2nd edition but the British region horse and foot are F&D.

British Infantry Brigade made up of the 17th, 23rd, 44th and 55th Regiments of Foot.  I will be adding two addition line battalions (40th and 64th) in the future so I will have two brigades of three battalions each.

17th and 44th Regiments

55th and 23rd Regiments.

The Hessian Brigade of Colonel Rall.  Here are the Rall Grenadier, Lossburg and Knyphausen Fusiliers and Bose Musketeer regiments.  Off to the flanks the jager companies keep an eye out on the flanks.  Most figures are from Minden Miniatures although the Bose are from the old RSM Ltd minuatures.  

loyalists brigade of the British Legion Horse and Foot, the Prince of Wales American Volunteer, Volunteer of Ireland, New York Volunteer and Kings American Regiment.   Mixture of both early green uniform coats and later red coats.  The regimental colors for loyalist regiments are very doubtful historically.  But I like flags so I added them.  Usually I use British line colors but the Prince of Wales color was dine for me by David at the site Not By Appointment.  They are beautiful and his flags are outstanding!