Saturday, January 29, 2022

Snow day!


  Usualy, working for an airline it doesn't matter the weather you come to work.  Rain, shine, snow, below zero temps  you name it I have worked through it.  Part of the job.  What do we do during storms?  If it not too bad we are outside getting flights out. If too bad we wait and do what we can.  

 So all week we have been told it was going to be a noreaster, a bad storm and upwards of two feet of snow.  So this time the airline I work for cancelled and rescheduled flights .  Because there were no flights until very late in the afternoon the morning crew were given the day off!

Hurrah!  A day off!  I feel like I am back in school.  What a great day!

Update:  Fritz says I am not enjoying today!

"Well!  To check with this!  I am going inside we today!"


  1. Haha....totally get it Mark...a sad indictment on how few if us REALLY like the jobs we do....I know virtually NO ONE who, if they won millions on a lottery, would carry on working, for the love of the work they do! Enjoy your day off and I hope you get to spend it on some productive hobby time!

    1. Thank you my friends. You understand. And yes I am truly enjoying my day today.

  2. Spend your day off productively, Mark. Play a game!

    1. Oh!yes! I finished the Hartwell Tavern additions. And gto t a small game in. Well I'm post soon!

    2. Look forward to seeing what you did…

  3. The last photo is terrific! I recall the rarity and joy of deep snow here in the UK, something l would love to experience once again…

    1. I am very happy you liked it! Finished digging out today but still got some painting done.

  4. Well a few inches of snow here in the UK and everything seems to grind to a halt. Given the weather you guys have been hit with, it's completely understandable that you get to stay at home. Enjoy yourself!

  5. I am really glad we had a day off. Worked in snow and storm too many times. In the picture at top I had to push that aircraft out of the gate during the storm while the engines were starting uo. Not a lit if fun!
