Monday, May 2, 2022

Testing the Rules


 I set up a small game to test out my rules I posted about.  Two units per side, with Pilgrim units walking into an ambush. I wanted to test out the rules and see how they work.  So the actual set up was less important to me then seeing how the rules worked. I am looking for a simple but fast moving game.   

Wampanoag Indians units:

Chanonchet commands one unit of warriors armed with muskets.  Deployed in fields north of road.

Mudawamp commands one unit of warriors armed with muskets deployed in woods by road.

Settlers units:

Captain Winslow's company is first unit in column of militia and is armed with muskets.

Captain Atwood's company of volunteers are armed with muskets.  They are just crossing bridge when ambush sprung.

  Turn 1:

Indians  roll for 1 operation

Pilgrims roll for 2 operations.  They also rolled high so go first in turn.

  Captain Winslow' company changes firmation and deployed to right and left of road.  They fire at groups opposite of them. (this takes two operations) Chanonchet's warriors take four hits and Chanochet is killed! (group is in massed in open so easy target.  After casualties roll d10 and a 10 equals leader killed)  Mudawump's group in woods take one hit.  Window's command's muskets are now unloaded.  Atwood's company deployed into skirmish line behind ridge to support Winslow.  

  Wampanough's check morale.   Chanochet's warband fails morale and routs.  Philip attempts to rally them.  Mugawump fires at column in road and hits five settlers.  Winslow's command tests morale and routs back.  (To test morale must roll d10 and add subtract modifiers.)

Turn 2.

 Both sides roll a 1 for operations and each has only 1 operation this turn.  The Wampanoag goes first.

 The late Chonchet's warband Rallies from rout, but us still disordered.  Mugawump's warband turn to face enemy to their right.

Atwood's command moves to top of ridge while Winslow's rally in place.

Turn 3

Wampanoag rolls 6 and gets 3 operations each this turn.

Chonchet's warband rallies, and charges Winslow's company on the ridge.  Winslow is unloaded so cannot fire.  Defeated in melees rout back.

Mugawump's warband fires at Atwood's company on the ridge and kills six figures.  Atwood's return fire kills four.  Atwood's company failed their morale test and routs!

Turn 4

Pilgrims race for the bridge.  I could have continued the game and combined the two companies.  But having my gotten a good sense of the rules, I decided to end game.


Rules did what I wanted them to.  A quick game with a good feeling for period. The rules worked well and play moved along at a quick clip.  I learned not to be in formation  in open when being shot at! I enjoyed them and looking forward to playing soon.  But first, time out for a War of 1812 game up next.


  1. Hi Mark. Good to see your concussion issues allowing you to create rules and now run a small test game! It did seem to work quite well.

    1. I am on the road to recovery ! Lots of time to just think and have been pondering a lot of wargame rules and games.

  2. Mark, always good to see you getting the figures out testing a game!
