Tuesday, June 20, 2017

17th Light Dragoons

I almost added the 17th light Dragoons  to my blog post about the British Legion.  That was because throughout the southern campaigns a troop of the 17th Light dragoons  was usually attached to the Legion cavalry.  But, I considered this just not right.

   Why? According to tradition, while campaigning the uniforms of the 17th became worn and patched.  Offered replacement green coats like the legion wore the the 17th to a man refused them and clung to their red coats which marked them as regulars.  So I gave them their own post, just to be right!  One item which marked this troop as campaigning down south is the white turban around their helmets.  In the south the usual red one was replaced by a white (sheepskin?) Turban.

  Figures are from Fife and Drum miniatures. And wonderful, easy to paint and dramatic figures they are.
Interestingly, the 17th are one of those regiments I have done for the table top in more then one time period.  I have their grandsons my Crimean army as the 17th Lancers.  I also have the 23rd RWF and 33rd in both Rev War and Crimean.  I am curious how often other gamers do this?

Saturday, June 17, 2017

British Legion 1780

The British Legion was raised in New York in 1778 in order to merge several small Loyalist units into a single force, a "legion" that combined infant, cavalry and artillery. The infantry consisted of the Caledonian Volunteers, a partially mounted and partially foot unit raised in Philadelphia in late 1777 and early 1778, Ritzema's Royal American Reformers, the West Jersey Volunteers, and  the Roman Catholic Volunteers. The cavalry consisted of  the New York Dragoons, the Philadelphia Light Dragoons, Emmerich's Chasseurs, the Prince of Wales' American Volunteers, and some volunteers from the  16th Light Dragoons.   Although the  Legion was commanded by William, Lord Cathcart, as colonel; it's actual field commander, and
the man who is most identified with it was its Lieutenant Colonel Banastre Tarleton.

Sent south in late 1779, Tarleton and his legion took part in the siege and capture of Charleston South Carolina.  His victories against American cavalry at Monk's corner and luend ferry all but eliminated the American cavalry and sealed the city of Charleston off to reinforcements. It also set a precedent for bold action, forced marches and surprise attacks against unsuspecting foes.  His ruthlessness at the Battle of the  Waxhaw against Virginian continentals under colonel Buford created the Bloody Tarleton legend. The Legion cavalry troopers killing of surrendering soldiers after the fighting had ended created the expression "Tarletons quarter" and forever branded him as a ruthless foe who gave no mercy. While this reputation may or may not be deserved, it did unite the country against Tarleton and the British.  Scores of men joined the state militia forces.

   The legion played a key role at the Battle of Camden, and latter against the partisans Marion and Sumter.  While Tarleton never caught up with Marion, he did fight several actions against Sumter.  But it was the defeat at The Cowpens which changed the Legion.  The cavalry never recovered their reputation and in the future performed poorly and timidly.  The infantry, and artillery were destroyed and not reorganized.

Following Cornwallis into North Carolina and later Virginia the Legion cavalry fought at numerous actions.  In Virginia it almost captured Thomas Jefferson at his home.  At Yorktown it fought a most colorful and interesting battle against Luzan's legion at Gloucester point.  This would provide a colorful and exciting game!

The British Legion consisted of six troops of cavalry, five companies of infantry and an attached light three pounder gun.  At its largest the legion numbered over 450 rank and file with about 250 Cavalry and about 200 Infantry at the Cowpens.  While the uniform and organization of the cavalry is very well documented the infantry appears to be the poor step child.  Not much is known, and there is considerable conjecture concerning them.

  Uniform documentation on the infantry is rare. The little I have found over the years is not much.    An orderly book for the legion infantry while on long island in 1779 suggest they were issued overalls.  As returns for the equipment list dragoon helmets and later infantry caps I suggest the infantry wore some sort of light infantry cap rather then the more famous dra goon style helmet.  An inspection  report quoted in Lawson's Uniforms of the British army suggest the infantry had short green coats with black collar and cuffs and a green waistcoat. The waistcoat may have been laced. This is how I have painted my legion Infantry.  But there are other  interpretations of the infantry out there.  I have provided my documentation so you can see where I am coming from.

On the table top my Legion is made up of figures from Fife and Drum miniatures.  They have excellent dragoons and even a portrait figure of Tarleton himself. For the infantry I used guards flank company figures in caps.  The tiny three pounder is a work of art and comes with a nice limber.  For battles I have the infantry mounted these figures per stand rather then the usual six figures for regulars. This way I can use them as skirmishes as well as in  line.  The cavalry  are organized into three squadrons of two troops each.  There is also the light gun. In all a great command on the table top.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

89th Regiment of Foot 1814

  Another hard fighting British battalions added to my collection.  The 89th fought at Chrysler field 1813 and Lundy s Lane 1814. They are dressed in Belgium shako and regulation uniform.

In painting them I thought the black facings look really nice.  It set off against the red and the white lace in cuffs and collar highlight look good.  The regimental colors are from Flags of War are great as is usual for this company.

I had included another mounted command officer  I have just finished from Knuckleduster miniatures.  He is a gallant fellow who leads from the front "Follow me lads!"

Friday, June 9, 2017

Upper Canadian militia

Not strictly correct for the 1814 Campaign.  The militia of Upper Canada were to be issued green coats faced red with bluish trousers in 1813.  By 1814 they mostly had red coats and grey trousers;  although many still had civilian clothing. So it would be very unusual to have a complete green coated battalion on the Niagara in 1814.

  But, being a war gamer I wanted yet another different unit on my table.  And they do look splendid! Although one friend has already started referring to them as the "Royal Christmas Regiment of Foot".  Some people!

Miniatures are from Knuckleduster and are part of their regimental deal.  You get 24 figures at a discount from their already reasonable prices.  I wish more manufacturers would do this, offering prepackaged regiments.  No colors for this group being militia.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Regiment von Bose

From a 1789 uniform book

   In keeping with tradition, all Hessian Regiments were named after their commander.  The Regiment was commanded by von Trumbach until 1778 when Major General C. von Bose became the commander.   The regiment set sail for American on 23 March and arrived on 15 August 1776 at Sandy Hook, New Jersey as part of a large fleet of troop transports with other Hessian units.

   The Regiment participated in numerous actions in New York.  They transferred south in November 1778 and participated in the capture of Savannah, Georgia and the Battle of Stono Ferry, South Carolina and  the capture of Charleston, South Carolina in May of 1780. The Regiment was later assigned to Lord Cornwallis’s Field Army and participated in the Battle of Guilford Courthouse in March of 1781.  The Regiment marched with  Cornwallis into Virginia and were part of the army who surrendered at Yorktown October 1781.

My Regiment von Bose is from RSM miniatures.  They fine old miniatures are still available from the Dayton painting Consortium.  Please check them out at http://www.dpcltdcom.org

Although listed as Seven Years War figures I think they fit in nicely with the Rev War as there is very little difference in uniforms worn.  By late in the War Hessian regiments would have been wearing gathered overalls.  I painted the regiment in the brown winter garters issued to British troops.  The regimental colors are from GMB designs.
Regimental color detail from above drawing.
Update:  the von Bose was not at the Battle of Stono Ferry.  My error in confusing it with another regiment.