Saturday, October 1, 2022

Wagon train game


 Feeling slightly better today (friday) I thought I would set up the table for a small game.  That took most of the morning,  having to rest every few minutes!   What game to play?  I wanted to continue with my Crimean forces.  Something small but interesting.  I decided on Charles Grants wagon train tactical problem.  Grant's book "The Wargame Companion" is one of my favorite wargame books and the one I reach for when I need inspiration or just a enjoyable read.  So I have wanted to fight this one out for a long time.  I will also use this game as an explanation of how I have been fighting solo battles.

  My table is smaller then what is recommended so I modified the terrain to give me more room.   I also added a number of wagons, four to be exact.  If you're going to be escorting a supply train it should look like one.  The escort are two British infantry regiment (33rd and 23rd).  The 93rd Highlanders would march to the rescue on turn eight based on a dice roll. The attacking Russians would have one battalion of infantry and one cavalry regiment.  Making another adjustment, I added a second Russian cavalry regiment.  This was because of the British rifles and poor quality of the Russian cavalry.

The British supply train and escort enter the table on the road at the bottom of the picture.  They have to exit off the table on the road at the top of the picture.   I wrote down three formations for how the train would be configured and rolled to see which one I would use.  A battalion in front and at the rear of the Wagons.  Off you go now.

The Russians rolled two dice per unit.  The first dice was for where they would appear on the table.   On the right side of the picture the bottom right is "X", Middle of table " Y" and top right is "Z".  Second dice is for which turn they arrive.  Infantry and one cavalry both arrive on turn three, with infantry at    " Y" and cavalry at "Z".  The second cavalry arrive at " X" on turn five.

  All this done I placed my troops on the table.  Since nothing would happen until turn three I moved the troops up to that position.    At this point I stopped as it was getting late would continue the game tomorrow.

Stay turned for more!

Thursday, September 29, 2022

But Its not done with us...


  We all might be done with Covid 19;  but Covid is not done with us.  I have done my best to keep it at bay,  but in the end it got me.  Janine and I both tested positive Tuesday.  We had been to a wedding over the weekend of my nephew and that probably where we picked it up. A number of other people from the same wedding also came down with it.  

  I am feeling exhausted and tired, sore throat and sniffy nose.   Slight head ach but not sure if it's related or not.  Pushing lots of liquids but not very hungry.  We are both on Proxlovid.  Looks like it will be playing havoc with my medical schedule in the coming weeks.  I will have to reschedule all my rehabilitation appointments and I did have surgery scheduled in October which will be postponed.

To pass the time I am listening to my audio books.  They came at just the right time!  I am also taking time out to watch Casablanca again, which is my all time favorite movie.   



Sunday, September 25, 2022

An unusual visitor

   We had an unusual visitor today in our yard.   We occasionally get a fox who passes through;  or a few turkeys and in the winter some deer.  But now we have a rather large Moose who has decided he likes our trees and brush.   Not sure if he us just passing through or will be returning.

I wonder if his name is Bullwinkle?

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Books on tape


Recently Amazon's Audible books on tape had a promotion.  You got three months of Audible for free and you could get three of their Audible books for free for trying them out.  You can cancel at anytime during  the three months and you will not be charged.  

I enjoy these books and gave often gotten them from the library.  they are especially good to listen to while painting, or cutting the grass.  And getting three free books was too good to pass up. So, what did I get?  

The Battle of Brandywine by Michael Harris  and

The Battle of Germantown by Michael Harris

These are very good studies of these battles during the 1777 campaign in Pennsylvania.  I find both battles endlessly fascinating and full of great ideas for the wargame table.  

Sherlock Holmes as read by Stephen Fry.  

Over the years I have read most of the stories but I still find them entertaining.

Monday, September 5, 2022

"...a thin red streak topped with a line of steel..."


    "...a thin red streak topped with a line of steel..."

             William Russell, dispatch to The Times.

   Its a rainy, chilly day here in New England.  So the perfect time to get out the figures and play a quick game.  Being in a Crimean War mood I think its time to play out that most  iconic of all Crimean actions;   the stand of the 93rd Sutherland Highlanders at Balaclava.

The Battle of Balaclava ( 25 October 1854)  A Russiancolumn attempted to get between British forces besieging Sebastopol and thir supply base at Balaclava. Best known for the "Charge of the Light Brigade"  but also for 'when a single Scottish Highland regiment, the 93rd Highlanders, remarkably halted a Russian cavalry charge.

 Four Russian cavalry squadrons, numbering around 400 men, advanced on some 500-600 Highlanders. At this time, infantry were not thought to be able to withstand cavalry in the open, and woul usually form squares. On this occasion, the regiment deployed in line and fired three volleys, which inflicted terrible damage on the Russians, who halted and withdrew. An act of great courage and discipline, but also helped by a development.  The 93rd was one of the regiments in the Crimea which had been issued and trained with the new pattern 1851 service rifle, which boasted improved accuracy, range and rate of fire.  In addition a battery if artillery was nearby to lend their fire power.

The phrase "The Thin Red Line" is a misquote.  William Russell wrote in his dispatch to The Times a "thin red streak with a line of steel.". In later accounts he changed it to " The Thin Red Line" which is how it is remembered today.

The game:

On the first turn the Russian commander won the initiative roll to go first.  He sent his Cossacks Regiment to swung to the left and out flank the British position.  The Lancers and Hussars entered the board in double line headed towards the 93rd. (The rules are a simple I Go U Go.  Each side rolls for initiative with high side getting first go. Each of your regiments or batteries do one action (move, change formation, fire or remove a morale point).  To move roll two dice (or more depending on formation) and that is how far you can move.)O

To advance quicker the Russian spent command points to move a second time.  (  Every unit has a commander (i.e. Colonel). He has so many command points (CP). More if he and the regiment are good, less if mediocare or poor.  Better units can do more at critical times. But when your CP are gone they are gone

Here is how it works: after the free move You may then spend a CP and do something else. Fire, remove a Morale marker or what ever.  BUT for every action there is a reaction and the enemy now gets to react against that unit and can either return fire at you or change position/facing.   But only against the enemy that spent that CP.)

The Royal Artillery opened fired on the Hussars causing casualties but more importantly put a morale chip on them. (  Morale is a sneaky system that most folks don't think a lot about until it bites them!  Since you subtract 1 pip from every die roll morale effects everything you do. Move, shot or fight it ties into morale.)

Turn Two:

The Russians won the initiative roll and continued their charge, again paying a command point to move a second tine.  

But now they were in range of not only the Royal Artillery but the rifled muskets of the 93rd.  The Highlanders fired a devastating volley; six hits and another morale chip! (Firing is simple. You throw 1D6 per stand for Infantry and 2D6 per artillery stand. Cross refinance with the firing chart for weapon vs. target and this gives you the chances for a hit. Since there is a possible saving roll you might not lose all those figures hit. .  Watch out for double 6's as they can cause a morale marker to drop onto your unit. The save chart also brings a little of the old "national modifiers" into the mix. With Russians, who get saved on a 5 or 6 no matter how many stands are left you have to beat each one with a stick until they are all dead. You get that steady, dogged feeling you read about. The British start with a high save chance (they dodge bullets like the bat man said the rules author) but as they loose stands save chances go way down so they wither away. A little fragile.)

The Russian move brought the Hussars to within two inches of the British.  Paying yet another command point they attempted to charge into close combat.  But the rifle fire caused two more hits and another morale chip.  There were now as many chips as stands so the Hussars routed away.

Turn Three:

The Russians won the initiative roll to go first.    (Close Combats takes getting used to since it is very different from most rules. You do not charge like in other rules. You move within 2' of the enemy. THEN, you would have to pay a Command Point or wait till next turn to close and fight. This gives the defender a chance to do something. Like blast the enemy with a close range volley that causes casualties or mabey a morale marker.  It is actually hard to close into close combat due to small arms fire.  But when you do it can be devastating.)

Charging forward the Lancers arrived within two inches if the 93rd. They paid a command point and charged into contact (after the 93rd fired at them).  But in the close combat the Hughlanders easily defeated the lancers.  (Uphill, and more stands) and the lancers turned about and routed.

The Cossacks seeing this also turned about to head for home.  But not before the Royal Artillery score another series of hits on them.

A fine field day said General Colin Campbell!


Again a entertaining game in a cold rainy day.  This worked fine solo, but I doubt it would be much fun in a multiplayer game.  But thus us the joy if solo war gaming.  You can recreate moments if history, no matter how one sided they are without worrying if your friends will return for another game.   In addition I thought to write thus up s an explanation if his the rules worked.