Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Camden 1780: Part 1 The Militia Flight

The Battle of Camden 16 August 1780 was a lopsided British victory.  It marked the high point of British success in the south and possibly caused Cornwallis to under estimate his opponent in the future.  Because of the terrain it was a line them up and march forward type battle. Tactically not very interesting.   Because of these reasons I have avoided the battle on the table top.  But, can I be a serious Rev War gamer and not fight this battle? Besides I have a project for this year to refight two campaigns in the southern theater for the Rev War.  So, here I am with this recreation of the battle today.  

The British right flank.  Webster's brigade of the 23rd, 33rd and Light Infantry.  The 1/71st us in reserve.  To their front is the North Carolina and Virginia militia brigades.

British left flank.  Rawdon's brigade of Loyalists (NC Volunteers, British Legion infantry and Volunteers of Ireland) with NC loyalist militia and 2/71st in reserve.  To their from the 2nd and 1st Maryland brigades.

  The set up:  The battlefield was open with scattered trees. These did not effect movement or musket/artillery fire historically so they will not in this re fight.  Due to the poor visibility that morning (A heavy mist)  both sides had set up close to each other.  I placed the lines about 20" apart.  Due to the swamps on both flanks this is a frontal fight with no manovering.  Both sides have set up historically.  Both sides have placed their best regiments on their right flank.  Unfortunately this means the British elite regiments are against poor quality militia.  The Continental line regiments of Maryland and Delaware are opposed by veteran loyalist regiments.  Although the Americans outnumber the British heavily the numbers are off set by the superior quality of the British regiments.  Now onto the game.

Nervously awaiting the British advance.

One militia regiment breaks and runs.

British advance against the American line. Artillery fire causes one militia regiment to rout.  Units to either side check and one regiment in second line is nervous but holds.  Brigade commanders are busy holding their men together.  

Rally with me my brave fellows!

Webster's brigade advances into musket range.  A devastating volley turns the militia line into ruin and regiments break and retreat. 

Delaware Regiment confronts the Legion infantry and Volunteers of Ireland.

2nd Maryland Brigade faces Rawdon's Loyalist Brigade whole the 1st Maryland brigade moves to protect the flank.

 On the opposite flank the 2nd Maryland brigade advances against the Loyalist line.  Both sides exchange volley fire and both sides stand steady.  

The  British right flank sweeping away the militia.

At this point following a close range volley from Webster's brigade the militia line collapsed.  All American Militia regiments are either all retreating or routed.  The British commander now charges forward into this mess and completes the rout of the American left flank.

2nd Maryland brigade closes the gap.

Seeing this Gates quickly moves the 1st Maryland brigade to cover his exposed flank.  One militia regiment holds, but for how long?.

Tarleton, moves the Legion cavalry forward getting ready for a decisive charge.

End of part 1

Next up The Continental line stands fast.

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Happy New Year and a Review of 2021


What did you do in 2020?

  Another year just about finished.  And another year with covid restrictions.  I am hopeful that we will be seeing the light at the end if the tunnel in that topic;  but I am afraid it is just the lights of an in coming train.  It has been a roller coaster ride of a year that started with me in "retirement" and ended with me back to work.  In between I did pack in some hobby time.

Too often war gamers talk about gaming more and painting less.  This was the year I did that.  I probably played more games, both in person and solo then any other time of my life.  And a very interesting variety if games too!  

So, what did I play in 2021?  During the year I was able to get each of my armies out if their boxes and on to the table top.  

Crimean War

Rev War

War of 1812

I was also active in club game night and with our smaller group of Monday morning gamers.

I started a new project, King Philip's war 1675-76.  Its a period I have always been interested in and many if the site associated with it are near to where I live.  This is not one if those massive projects with waves of parading regiments.  instead its a smaller skirmish type game. Think of French and Indian war with no regulars and ECW style clothing.  Oh, and cavalry too!   The figures are mostly from Bridge games and the rules are based on the old favorite The Sword and the Flame.  I have made great progress with 40 native figures and 30 Colonists painted.  In addition I got to visit some if the actual battle sites of this conflict like Turner's Fall and Sudbury.

I discovered MDF house and have greatly enjoyed building them.  Especially those from Things From The Basement who have made some excellent 17th/18th New England style homes.  All are great value and beautiful works of art.  And perfect for Rev War battlefields!  Presently I am putting together the Hartwell Tavern kit. like the Captain William Smith house this building was also in the the park I worked at.  In fact my office, during the summer was in the building itself.   More about it later.

Towards the end of the year I was notably absent from both gaming and blogging.  In November I returned to work.  Although my station at Worcester was closed I transferred to Boston and went back to ground operations.  Its been a great adjustment and lots of retraining.  This includes flying down for a week to Florida for retraining and certification.   But I have greatly missed the work and the people and am most happy to be back.

  For 2022 I am hoping to again play more games.  Balancing work and play I want to continue to be active with the club and also the Monday Morning gamers.  I hope to add to my King Philip's War collection.

  Here is wishing all of you most happy new years and thank you for taking time from your day and visiting here.  I appreciate it and look forward to hearing from you again.

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Saturday, November 27, 2021

The Battle of Camden 1780


Surprising as it sounds in all the years I have gamed the American Revolution have never fought this battle.  Possibly because it was so lopsided.  Possibly because you need so many militia figures!  Or, because tactically it's rather boring.  Both sides line up and just march forward.  plain table with a few trees and swamps in both flanks.

  But its time to try it out and here I'd my order of battle.  Battle report will follow soon.

Battle of Camden August 1780

British Southern Army:   (2100)

Lieutenant General Lord Charles Cornwallis

      Rawdon's Brigade:  Lieutenant Colonel Francis Rawdon

Royal Artillery (light)

Royal North Carolina Regiment (30 figures)

Bryan's North Carolina Loyalist Militia (30 figures)

Volunteers of Ireland (30 figures)

British Legion:

British Legion Infantry (16 figures)

British Legion Artillery  (light)

Webster's  Brigade:  Lieutenant Colonel James Webster

Royal Artillery (light)

British Light Infantry (16 figures)

23rd Regiment of Foot (30 figures)

33rds Regiment of Foot (30 figures)

Reserve Brigade:  Lieutenant Colonel Alexander McDonald

71st Highland Regiment (30 figures)

1st Bn/71st Highland Regiment (18 figures)*

2nd Bn/71st Highland Regiment (12 figures)*

Royal Artillery (light)

* can field as two units or as just one.

British Legion:Lieutenant Colonel Banastre Tarleton

British Legion Dragoons (180): 

1st Squadron (10 figures)

2nd Squadron (8 figures)


total: 230 figures and 4 guns

 American Southern Army:  (4000)

Major General Horatio Gates

Continental Artillery/Army Troops:

Captain Anthony Singleton

Meredeth's (Virginia) Co/Continental Arty (light)

Dorseys (Maryland) Co/Continental Arty (light)

Bookers (Maryland) Sec./Continental Arty (light)

Waters (Maryland) Sec./Continental Arty (light)

Advance Brigade: Colonel Charles Armand

Continental & Virginia Cavalry:

Armands Legion Cavalry (6 figures)

Nelson's Virginia State Cavalry Regiment (6 figures)

Pinckneys S.C. Volunteer Mounted Infantry (6 figures)

Continental Light Infantry: 

Armands Legion Foot (6 figures)

Porterfields Virginia Light Infantry (8 figures)

Armstrongs Militia Light Infantry (12 figures)

Militia Division :  Major General Richard Caswell

1st North Carolina Militia Brigade:  Brigadier General John Butler

Left Wing Battalion/1st NC (24 figures)

Right Wing Battalion/1st NC (24 figures)

2nd North Carolina Militia Brigade:  Brigadier General Griffith Rutherford

Left Wing Battalion/2nd N (24 figures)

Right Wing Battalion/2nd NC (24 figures)

3rd North Carolina Militia Brigade:  Brigadier General Isaac Gregory

Left Wing Battalion/3rd NC (24 figures)

Right Wing Battalion/3rd NC (24 figures)

Virginia Militia Brigade:  Brigadier General Edward Stevens

Left Wing Battalion/Virginia (24 figures)

Right Wing/Battalion/Virginia (24 figures)

Continental Division (@1200):

Major General Baron de Kalb

1st Maryland Brigade:Major General William Smallwood 

1st & 3rd Maryland Regiments (30 figures)

5th & 7th Maryland Regiments (30 figures)

2nd Maryland Brigade:  Brigadier General Mordecai Gist

Delaware & 2nd Maryland Regiments (30 figures)

4th & 6th Maryland Regiments (30 figures)

Total 330 figures and 4 guns

Victory Conditions:

The first side to break and retreat off the table is the loser. The side that remains on the table is the winner


The Whites of Their Eyes.

Game Length:

The battle began at dawn, roughly 7 am. The historical battle lasted only one hour but the game should go on until one side breaks and retreats from the field. Sunset was roughly 8 pm, but one side should break far before sunset.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Veterans Day


My grandfather, Edward McNamara from Lexington Massachusetts served with the 101st Regiment (Medical company), 26th Yankee Division in the first world war.  He seldom talked about it, and when he did it was a terrible memory which haunted him.  It was only later that I found out  he was mentioned in the division's orders and was decorated for heroism.  He never mentioned this to me.  I found out later through my own research.  But  I will always remember his smile when he told me how at 11:00 A.M. on 11th November the guns stopped and he and his friends knew they would live, knew they had survived.  He went on to raise a family and contribute to society.  During the next war he built ships for the Navy at the Charlestown Navy yard.

   And as this date is now called Veterans Day I say thank you to my father in law, Aldrich Stevens  who served in the  3rd Ranger Battalion (Darby's Rangers) in the Second World War.  He saw service with them at North Africa, Sicily and Italy.  Seriously wounded he did not make the Anzio landing and thus missed the action at Cisterna (although he may have listened to the last radio calls while at headquarters).   Like my grandfather he too was haunted by the memories of what he saw, experienced and especialy those he lost.  But again he went on with life.  Due to the GI bill he got a education, raised a family and contributed to society.  

I remember their sacrifices and hope both men  have found peace.