Saturday, October 10, 2020

Nostalgia on The Table Top


 This is an exercise in pure nostalgia.  As readers of this blog know I am a great fan of the original war game magazine The Courier.  This was the newsletter type version published during the 1970's.  In it I discovered miniature wargaming and especially gaming the American Revolution.  While going through some files the other day I discovered a xerox of a relight of the Battle of Camden fought by Steve Haller and Terry Phillips.  It was one of those actions that I remembered seeing long ago and having it in front of me brought back happy memories.  So I decided to refight it.  

The area represents the ground north of the Camden Battlefield.  I am using the map in the article and following the game's order of battle and set up.  Not sure of the actual regimental numbers so I have used the figures I have.  Rules used will be "The White's of Their Eyes." All figures are 25mm.

American Order of Battle:

General Gates commanding

Baron de Kalb commanding:

1st Maryland Regiment (30 figures)

2nd Maryland Regiment (30 figures)

Delaware Regiment (30 figures)

Porterfield's Light Infantry bn. (18 figures)

Militia cavalry (8 figures)

Otho Williams commanding:

North Carolina Militia Regiment (30 figures)

Virginia Militia Regiment (30 figures)

 Armand's Legion Cavalry (12 figures)

Armand's Legion Infantry (18 figures)

Continental Artillery 2  batteries (light batteries)

British Order of Battle:

Lord Cornwallis commanding

Colonel Webster commanding

Light Infantry bn. (18 figures)

23rd Regiment of Foot (30 figures)

33rd Regiment of Foot (30 figures)

Lord Rawdon  commanding

British Legion Infantry (18 figures)

Loyalist militia bn (30 figures)

1/71st Highland bn. (24 figures)

2/71st Highland bn. (24 figures)

Colonel Tarleton commanding

British Legion Dragons ( 12 figures)

17th Light Dragoons (6 figures)

Royal Artillery 3 batteries (light batteries)

Now, the game is afoot!  Stay tuned for more.....


  1. Very much looking forward to seeing this action.
    I must try these rules soon.

  2. I have read so many versions of this battle that I cant say for sure if I have ever played it as a game or not Mark - looking forward to seeing how your refight goes!
