Friday, April 16, 2021

Culloden (1964) Peter Watkins


  April 16, 2021 is the 275 anniversary of the Battle of Culloden.  Back when I was eight or nine years old I saw the Peter Watkins documentary Culloden.  It was a fascinating and horrific experience. Since that time I have seen the movie multiple times and searched out and read John Prebble's book numerous times.  Although I have read other books about the battle my mind still sees it through the lens of this film.  

 Back in April 1983 I took a month off from work to travel around Great Britain via rail pass.  It was a amazing experience.  I made sure I was in Inverness in time for the anniversary of the battle.  I got up early on the morning of 16 April and in a light drizzle walked to the battlefield with a copy of John Prebble's book Culloden.  For a number if hours I walked about stopping and reading portions of the book at the locations of the battle from the book.  I cannot remember how long I was there but it was a fascinating experience. 

 I have, through my time with the NPS and on my own visited numerous battlefields (Monmouth, Guilford Courthouse, Cowpens and too many others) and historical sites (Ford's Theater) on the anniversary of the event.   But of all of them my time on Culloden moor was the most memorable and haunting.


  1. Nice post Mark, you certainly have a knack of keeping track of, and marking, historical events! I have visited Culloden a couple of times, once with my parents aged around ten or twelve and again with my wife about thirty years ago. Did you go to Fort George's close by and well worth a of the regimental museums is ther..I think probably the Seaforths...and when we were last there it was still functioning as a depot for the British Army.

    1. One of my major regrets was not visiting Fort George. I still kick myself for missing it.

      Guess that means undergo go back one day😀

  2. Culloden, we played recently with WoFun figures. Refighting a battle on the anniversary date always adds more interest.

    1. How do you like the WoFun figures? I am very tempted by them. Especially useful for Jacobites so you do not have to paint targets!

  3. A brilliant documentary/film before the days of CGI and modern wizardry

  4. I remember seeing this film or at least parts of it when I was at secondary school. Brilliantly done and still sticks in my mind some 40+ years later!
