Monday, February 7, 2022

Command Post Games Pub Battles


Its all Mr Ed's fault.  If I did not read and follow his blog, "Ed M's Wargames Meanderings" I would not have thought about such things.  But following his recent activities playing Big Bloody Battles with the Kriegspiel system of blocks and maps I became interested in the concept.  Maneuvering on a map and fighting large scale games.  I am a miniature, toy soldier type gamers first; but I have also enjoyed board games.  I think we all have memories of the Avalon Hill games.  

In researching this I stumbled on a company called Command Post Games.  They make a series of games called Pub Battles which are fought on historical maps with blocks similar to the Kriegspiel system.  Best of all they do a series of games on the American Revolution battles of Brandywine, Germantown and Monmouth. If you buy the Brandywine game you can use the blocks for the other games and just need to get the maps.   They look interesting and different.  The rules appear to be simple and easily learned. I have decided to give them a try and ordered Brandywine.  Once it arrives I will give a review and let you know how it works.

If you are interested in these the company makes game for the American Civil War and Napoleonic Wars.  There web site is

If you have played any of these games or are familiar with them I would like to know your opinion.  Please drop me a line and let me know what you think.  All pictures on thus page are from the companies web pages.


  1. You are being led astray from the one true path Mark......! Having looked at Ed's BBB posts, I can see some of the attraction in this type of gaming but unlike you, apart from Risk, and a Waddingtons game called (I think) Campaign, I have never played a war related board game - unless Escape from Colditz counts?!

    1. When I was much younger I did enjoy board games. But as I was able to afford miniatures I switched. I do think it will be interesting to try out these block and maps games.

  2. I look forward to seeing your thoughts on these blocks and maps Mark. I'm a big fan of gaming with blocks and love the kriegspiel aesthetic that they bring to the table. Also BBB are a brilliant set of rules and have seen them played over simplified maps.

    1. I have been wanting to play BBB for a while now so there is that. And the block and map games lets you fight out some really gigantic battles. So we will see.

  3. That's fine for you, Mark: who do I blame? :)

  4. Looking forward to hearing your take on these. I play both toy soldiers and board games.

    1. Looking forward to trying them out. Each afternoon when I get home from work I check; are they here yet?
