Saturday, July 22, 2023

Friday at Historicon


  A most busy and fun day! Lots to do and see and met up with old and new friends.

 Started the day with playing in Jim Purky's massive game of the attack on Khartoum.  As based on the movie!   It was massive (3 tables) , it was spectacular (54mm)and it was great fun.  Here are a couple pictures but to due justice I am going to do a separate post on it.  Stay tuned.

  In the dealers area it was outstanding to actual see and talk with the people you have been buying stuff from over the years. One really nice thing was the demo games rule writers put on to teach you their new rule sets.

   I was especially happy to met  Joerg Bender from "Things From The Basement." He makes the wonderful MDF buildings you see on my table.  

 Games!  Lots of games and spread out over three floors.  All scales and  all types.  Here are a few pictures.


USN in the Pacific

The Alamo in 15mm

USMC in the Pacific

very nice ACW game with excellent terrain

very small scale ACW

Cowboy shoot out game

ACW skirmish game

  Now I am off to play another game!


  1. Looks great! I recognize at least one fellow in one photo. The Gettysburg battlefield looks amazing. Was it being played in 2mm?

  2. Wow great stuff Mark, you are a very lucky man to have the opportunity to attend such an awesome function! That 54mm Sudan game is amazing and I look forward to your report....I visit Jims blog every now and then and his 54mm Sudan collection truly is amazing! I saw one post where he was doing a trial run in preparation for Historicon in a friends basement....there were something like six HUGE tables involved....the basement looked to be the size of a small warehouse!

    1. I also was following the progress. To see the entire thing in real life was amazing. What a labor of love.
