Sunday, October 2, 2022

Supply Train from Balaklva


(For the order of battle and background for this game please checkout my introduction post here:

  The British supply column and its escort (23rd and 33rd regiments) advances from Balaclava harbour towards the Allied siege lines.  As they round the bend a Russian Infantry battalion (1/Valdimirski Regiment) deployed on the hills to their right.  Ahead, a Russian cavalry Regiment (Combined Lancers Regiment) advances towards them.

  The 23rd deployed quickly from column into line to protect the wagons. They then fired a volley at the advancing enemy infantry.  The 33rd started towards the front but spotted yet another Russian cavalry Regiment (Kiev Hussars)  formed on a low rise towards their right.  They also formed line and fired a volley. 

(Remember in these rules a regiment may spend a command point to do something extra)

Turn 5:

  The Vladimirski battalion charged the 23rd while the Kiev Hussars took on the 33rd.  The Lancers maneuvered to take the flank of the 23rd.  But before they could close both British battalions were able to get a volley in.

  The Kiev Hussars slammed into the 33rd and forced them back to the other side of the wagons.  There they rallied back to good order.  The Hussars quickly attacked the wagons, destroying two of them.

  The Vladimirski also slammed into the 23rd, but with different results.  They had taken casualties and were thrown back.

Turn 6:

  The wagons were moved off the road and both British battalions redeployed to better cover them. The 33rd opened fire on the Kiev Hussars causing them more casualties and a morale marker.   

 The Vladimirski and Lancers moved up to try a coordinated attack this time.

Turn 7:

The 33rd destroyed the Hussars through firepower with the pitifully small remnants of the Hussars running away.

The Russian infantry and cavalry both hit the 23rd, and forced them back.  This enabled the Lancers to destroy another wagon.  The Vladimirski changed front to face the 33rd.

Turn 8:

The sound of bagpipes was heard in the distance as the 93rd Highlanders made their appearance!

  With the British redeployed and guarding the remaining wagon the Russian commander decided to withdraw.  He had successfully destroyed three of the wagons and that was a lot of supplies the allies would not get today.


  A fun fast game that I enjoyed very much.  I can see why this is an old favorite and can be played over and over with no two games the same.  It also can fit into almost any time period.  I can definitely see playing this with either my War of 1812 or Rev War armies.  

  I think the adding of the additional Russian cavalry regiment helped balance the game.  The Russians were also blessed with great pre game dice rolling to get all three of their units in the table right where they were needed and almost at the sane time.  I think next time I would give a little more space between where the attackers arrive as they were right on top of the wagons right away.  But perhaps that was fair as it was after all an ambush.

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Wagon train game


 Feeling slightly better today (friday) I thought I would set up the table for a small game.  That took most of the morning,  having to rest every few minutes!   What game to play?  I wanted to continue with my Crimean forces.  Something small but interesting.  I decided on Charles Grants wagon train tactical problem.  Grant's book "The Wargame Companion" is one of my favorite wargame books and the one I reach for when I need inspiration or just a enjoyable read.  So I have wanted to fight this one out for a long time.  I will also use this game as an explanation of how I have been fighting solo battles.

  My table is smaller then what is recommended so I modified the terrain to give me more room.   I also added a number of wagons, four to be exact.  If you're going to be escorting a supply train it should look like one.  The escort are two British infantry regiment (33rd and 23rd).  The 93rd Highlanders would march to the rescue on turn eight based on a dice roll. The attacking Russians would have one battalion of infantry and one cavalry regiment.  Making another adjustment, I added a second Russian cavalry regiment.  This was because of the British rifles and poor quality of the Russian cavalry.

The British supply train and escort enter the table on the road at the bottom of the picture.  They have to exit off the table on the road at the top of the picture.   I wrote down three formations for how the train would be configured and rolled to see which one I would use.  A battalion in front and at the rear of the Wagons.  Off you go now.

The Russians rolled two dice per unit.  The first dice was for where they would appear on the table.   On the right side of the picture the bottom right is "X", Middle of table " Y" and top right is "Z".  Second dice is for which turn they arrive.  Infantry and one cavalry both arrive on turn three, with infantry at    " Y" and cavalry at "Z".  The second cavalry arrive at " X" on turn five.

  All this done I placed my troops on the table.  Since nothing would happen until turn three I moved the troops up to that position.    At this point I stopped as it was getting late would continue the game tomorrow.

Stay turned for more!

Thursday, September 29, 2022

But Its not done with us...


  We all might be done with Covid 19;  but Covid is not done with us.  I have done my best to keep it at bay,  but in the end it got me.  Janine and I both tested positive Tuesday.  We had been to a wedding over the weekend of my nephew and that probably where we picked it up. A number of other people from the same wedding also came down with it.  

  I am feeling exhausted and tired, sore throat and sniffy nose.   Slight head ach but not sure if it's related or not.  Pushing lots of liquids but not very hungry.  We are both on Proxlovid.  Looks like it will be playing havoc with my medical schedule in the coming weeks.  I will have to reschedule all my rehabilitation appointments and I did have surgery scheduled in October which will be postponed.

To pass the time I am listening to my audio books.  They came at just the right time!  I am also taking time out to watch Casablanca again, which is my all time favorite movie.   



Sunday, September 25, 2022

An unusual visitor

   We had an unusual visitor today in our yard.   We occasionally get a fox who passes through;  or a few turkeys and in the winter some deer.  But now we have a rather large Moose who has decided he likes our trees and brush.   Not sure if he us just passing through or will be returning.

I wonder if his name is Bullwinkle?

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Books on tape


Recently Amazon's Audible books on tape had a promotion.  You got three months of Audible for free and you could get three of their Audible books for free for trying them out.  You can cancel at anytime during  the three months and you will not be charged.  

I enjoy these books and gave often gotten them from the library.  they are especially good to listen to while painting, or cutting the grass.  And getting three free books was too good to pass up. So, what did I get?  

The Battle of Brandywine by Michael Harris  and

The Battle of Germantown by Michael Harris

These are very good studies of these battles during the 1777 campaign in Pennsylvania.  I find both battles endlessly fascinating and full of great ideas for the wargame table.  

Sherlock Holmes as read by Stephen Fry.  

Over the years I have read most of the stories but I still find them entertaining.