Monday, June 13, 2022

Cook's Mill 19 Octiber 1814

  This game will be based on the historical Battle of Cook's Mill in September 1814.  A reinforced American Brigade was sent to destroy British/Canadian supplies in one of the final actions of the war along the Niagara. In this version the Americans must cross as the river and destroy the enemies supplies located in the town of Cook's Mill.  The Canadian/British force will try and prevent that from happening.   I have altered the historical order of battle slightly to better fit my present collection of figures.  In addition I have added possible reinforcements to create a more interesting game.  

  All figures are 25mm and rules used are my version of the Fife and Drum miniature Rev War rules changed for the War if 1812.  

Order of Battle:

American Order of Battle:

1st Brigade: Brig. Gen. Scott

1st Rifle Regiment (24)

9th US Regiment (24)

11th US Regiment (24)

22nd US Regiment (24)

25th US Regiment (24)

(All regiments are rated as regulars.  The Rifle Regiment starts the game deployed by the cross roads West of the bridge.  The remaining regiments enter the game one regiment each move  on the east road. )

Possible reinforcements:

3rd Brigade: Brig.Gen. Porter

9th Pennsylvania Volunteers (24)

1st New York Volunteers (24)

2nd New York Volunteers (24)

Canadian Volunteers (24)

(at start of game roll 2d6 for turn they enter the game.)

  In order to destroy supplies located in a building move a unit next to that building. You must roll a seven or better on 2d6 to destroy the supplies.  The unit attempting it cannot be in close combat or fired at that turn.  

British/Canadian Order of Battle:

2nd (Light Brigade): Lt. Col. Parsons

Battalion of Incorporated Militia of Upper Canada (24)

Glengarry Light Infantry (24)

1st Militia Brigade  (24)

2nd Militia Brigade (24)

Mohawk Warriors (12)

Royal Artillery (medium gun)

Royal Marine Artillery (rocket)

(This force deploys on the table top at the North West corner.)


3rd Brigade Lt.Col. Morrison

1st Regiment

89th Regiment

100th Regiment

Flank Companies (Light Infantry and Grenadier)

(at start of game roll 2d6 for turn they enter the game.)


A day out


  Today I had a great day. A couple friends invited me to the usual Monday morning game at John's.  Because I cannot drive my buddy Warren picked me up and drove me to the game.  They have been playing 10mm American Civil war using the rules "Alter of Freedom."    They were fighting Antietam and  the game had been continued over two previous Mondays.  So at this stage the Union had broken through in the center and Burnside had fought his way over the bridge with high casualties.

  The rules are a grand tactical set of rules.  I cannot tell you too much about them as they were very complicated and I could pick up only small parts of them.  The fighting portion reminded me of the first edition of Volley and Bayonet.  But there is a staggered move section based on points which is very confusing.

  They battle ended in a decisive Union victory.   As I mention the Unuon broke through in the center and Burnside started to turn their right flank.    Hooker's Corp broke the Confederate left.

  But the game was in many ways secondary.  It was a time for friends to get together and a time for me to reconnect with friends.  It was a great day for me.

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

A little more painting, A little planning


  Still working in therapy on my hand-eye coordination, as well as balance issues.  Recovery is I am finding out a marathon rather then a sprint.  But I am trying to get out a paint brush and paint again.  I find I can work for about thirty to forty minutes before I have to stop and rest my eyes to prevent headaches. Which is an improvement over the past month.  So little steps and just keep swimming.

  Managed to finish a supply wagon the other day.

  And also three Hussars.  Not up to my usual standard at all but still I happy to have dine some painting and got some progress made.

  Working on setting up another game.  I am keeping the same table terrain set up but switching time periods to the War of 1812 and fighting an action based on the battle of Cook's Mill.  A American force of four regular infantry reginents, A rifle regiment and a light Dragoons troop is trying to capture A bridge and destroy food and military supplies.  A British/Canadian force is sent to stop them.  Fighting a game solo is nice as I can take my time and do something each day.

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Battle at Dyckman's Mill part 2

The battle rages on!

Continued from first part here:

Turns 7 & 8:

  As the British advance across the open ground they are under fire by the Continental line regiments and Hamilton's guns.   The 9th and 11th  Continentals are behind cover and the British line are out in the open. Taking serious casualties the British pass their morale tests and continue their advance.

  The Hessian Brigade advances up to the ford and prepares to cross. The Virginia and Pennsylvania rifles have contested the advance but casualties are mounting and their firepower is becoming less effective.   Both Hessian battalions form column for the crossing. 

  And the first wagon exists the table! 

Turn 9 & 10:

  Colonel Rall  calls  to his regiment to follow him and leads them across the stream.  The rifles cause numerous casualties but the Hessian cross and then form up into line.  A close range volley clears the pesky skirmishers out of the way.  What is left of them fail morale and break.

  The British 7th and 63rd advance against the American line.  Both regiments take casualties but a devastating round from Hamilton's guns breaks the 7th regiment who fall back.  General Beale rides up to rally them and the proud Fusilier get ready to return to the fight.  

Now the second wagon is off the table.

Turn 11 & 12:

Colonel Rall leads his Hessian towards the town.  General Beale has reformed his line and is now continuing his advance.  The Grenadier battalion is advancing slowly but steadily through the woods to flank the American position.


Afterwards the last wagon exits the table American General Becker looks to withdraw his Continentals.  They have held the British better then expected but with the Hessian threatening to take away his line of retreat its time to go.  Captain Hamilton fires a few last rounds to keep the British at bay as the Continental fall back off the table and up the road.   General Becker can be satisfied that nit on my the vital supply wagons have escaped but he has also seen his valuable Continental line regiment and artillery saved.  The great sacrifice of the Pennsylvania and Virginia rifle men  helped to make this happen.And they local militia although defeated and their colors lost can be counted in to return to assist later .

  The Crown forces follow and quickly occupied the town (to the great joy if the local tavern keeper who now sees hard currency paid for goods).  The casualties were relatively low which will please Sir William Howe. Colonel Rall is pleased at the courageous dedicated service of his professional soldiers.  Especially his regiment, but also the sacrifice if the jagers who fought twice their number.  The British Grenadiers upheld their reputation and a extra mug of beer per msn will be issued to congratulation to them. All in alk many things both sides could be proud of.

 Who won?  Both sides completed their victory conditions.  As with many battles of this war historically the British held the ground and the Americans retreated to fight another day.  I will leave the long term to future historians but to me it was a fun and glorious game that in plan on returning to again.

Next post, how the game wss set up and solo play assists....